Mobile apps


Make a Website for Android App in 5 Minutes

Listing your app on the Google Play Store is the most important thing which can define your app success. If your app has achieved a reasonable standing on the Play Store or any other app store, there are huge chances to get a lot of downloads. Eventually, these downloads not only boosts the user engagement […]


4 Ways to Effectively Sell APK to Another Party

Android app development is a great business as it comes with countless opportunities to make money. It comprises many steps, and each step requires proper attention to detail. The time and efforts used in Android app development can be more than a web development project because Android focuses on a particular audience. One of the […]


New Template: Vimeo App Making Template

If you have suggested a template idea to us, we will do our best to create it. Having already created a template for TV streaming and for YouTube, we hadn’t given any thought to Vimeo until now. Vimeo, although similar to YouTube, has a unique audience style that brings interaction to videos uploaded. The layout […]


7 Ways To Choose The Right Android App Name

If you want to make your Android app successful among the target audience, then you cannot ignore the importance of the correct name for an Android app. Many times, developers invest their time and resources in completing the functionality of the Android app and they do not give consideration to the name of the app. […]


6 Ways to Make a Perfect Play Store App Description

Developing an Android app takes a lot of energy, effort, and time. Every app business wants to see all of its apps being on the top of the Play Store and getting an immense amount of downloads. Positive reviews also play a vital role in lifting an Android app up to the top. It seems […]


Tips to Update App on Google Play Console

Luckily, it’s time to celebrate because you have launched your app on the Google Play Store. You would be proud of yourself as you have gone through all the challenges and successfully published the app in the store. But wait! This is not just the end. To achieve what you have thought of, it’s just […]