Mobile apps


How to sell Android App and Generate Profit

We live in a world where Android applications are everywhere around us. There is hardly any company or business right now in the world that does not use mobile phone applications. Different companies and businesses use different kinds of Android applications to fulfill their needs. Efficient and proper Android applications are always in demand these […]


Importance of Good Reviews for an App

Good reviews are a critical factor for any successful Android app. Good reviews ensure the success of an app over the Android marketplace. They provide an insight into the usability of the application and customer feedback. Creating an app involves shaping great ideas into a usable and accessible piece of code. An application is not […]


How Free Android App Templates Can Benefit You

It’s been a while that developers are getting much exposure to app templates and themes. Code Canyon, Themeforest, and AppsGeyser are the forerunners of this race but these are not the only ones. You can get several other templates and theme providers as well. If we look a few years back, we will see that […]


Create a Quiz Android App – How to Make a Quiz App for Free

Nowadays, Android is one of the most popular mobile phone application development platform. Android apps are so popular nowadays that among every hundred people, 76 people would be using Android applications on their mobile phones. Several factors are present that made Android application development so popular among developers. The Google play store’s process of publishing […]


How to make play store apps and earn money

A huge potential is present in the Android mobile app development services for application development and earning money. However, keep this thing in mind that not every application that is present on the Play Store earns money. According to statistics, there are almost 3 million applications present on Google Play. There is huge competition present […]


The Ultimate Android App Making Guide – AppsGeyser

Android app making isn’t a simple task. From a comprehensive app idea to the final deliverable, there are a lot of steps involved in app making. Everything is taken under consideration before actually starting an app development process. If a proper plan is followed, there are no hurdles in having a successful app business. Since […]