
11 Hidden Tips for App Niche Research

Before you make any move towards the development of your dream app, make sure to check it out if it worth’s the time and effort. Since developing an android app is not an easy task, you must gather essential and useful data about the app you are going to launch.

That’s where app niche research comes in. Before starting the actual app creation procedures, you should analyze its effectiveness against the goals of your business. Some apps take a lot of time even years to be developed, and the same goes for the efforts.

Doing preliminary analysis and app niche research is as important as the app itself. Defining the target audience and working according to their perspective in mind makes the business model successful. We have come up with some useful and proven tips for you on how you can effectively do the app niche research.

Why is App Niche Research Important?

It seems an unimportant task as some business owners advocate the actual development time to be more precious than this part. But, in reality, things are in the opposite direction. App niche research is more important than the actual development process of any app because it defines its success and effectiveness beforehand.

It is always better to analyze the future circumstances and know about what audience you are targeting. If the audience will like what you are going to offer, or they will be attracted to another existing app. App niche research doesn’t only includes the audience analysis but other important factors such as competitor analysis as well.

Your app idea is not necessarily always unique and attractive. There could also be a lot of other business owners working on the same app idea though there could be slight differences. No, you don’t need to worry about the fact, but you can make things more favorable in your box by just doing only one thing, and that is a comprehensive app niche research.

Tips of App Niche Research

With numerous fully-featured app templates and experience for more than a decade in the mobile app industry, AppsGeyser is going to provide you some surprising tips on app niche research. You will not only get effective outcomes but a smooth app creation experience by using these 11 hidden tips.

Before moving further to some proven tips, let’s stop there for a bit and focus on your app idea. You cannot make clear decisions because, most likely, you are biased toward your new app idea, but you should go through some procedures that will help you out in the entire process. Just focus on the fact that if there is really a demand for your new app.

Luckily, these tips can help you in finding a lot of answers that are required beforehand. After reading out all of the given tips, you will surely be thankful to AppsGeyser as it’s our experience that is advising you throughout the process of a successful business.

So, let’s get started!

1.         Research Similar Apps

In the first step, you should look for live apps that are working similarly to your app idea. Having the list of apps that somehow relates to your app idea helps you a lot in defining prospects. Just write the main keywords of your app idea to explore it first from a search engine.

Secondly, explore the Google Play Store for targeting those competitive apps. Please make a list of all of those apps and write their owner’s information as well. Collect the valuable data in a proper format because it is going to be the primary source for your app niche research. These apps should not necessarily be the same as your app idea – there could be slight differences as everyone’s perspective is unique towards their business goals.

2.        Downloads of Competitor Apps

Now it’s the part to observe downloads of those competitive apps. Have those apps achieved high downloads? If those apps have achieved that mighty downloads, then you are good to go because there are chances to get a high volume of audience.

Having a versatile audience for your app idea plays a vital role in the success of your app business. High downloads mean high engagement and the attraction of the audience, which is your primary goal.

3.        History of Competitor Apps

Just get that sheet in which you have written the names of all of those competitor apps. Open a browser and start collecting information about the history of these apps. Try to find out the answer to for how long these competitor apps been on the market.

When you know their history, you can have better exposure to what phases you can go through. How much time they required to gain the user’s trust and how many they would have made over the course. All of these answers will help you define your progress model.

4.        Reviewers Feedback

Look for reviews on these competitive apps and observe their pros and cons mentioned by those reviewers. Go for authentic reviews as they can provide you with already researched information. Just note down all the necessary information about those apps.

After having complete information, focus on their pros as you cannot compromise on those qualities. It would be best if you tried to embed those features in your app idea as well. Their cons will help you out while setting up the don’ts for your app idea. You must eliminate those cons from your app to stand out from the crowd.

5.        Number of Apps of the Competitor

Look for the number of apps that the competitor has already launched on the market. Analyzing their product line will help you decide which types of apps you should have in your app business to gain success. Try to find out which departments are stronger and weak.

Try to grab the information and note down to set up your app business success model. You need at least to provide quality apps with respect to your competitors. Have the motive to illuminate your app business with more quality apps than your competitors.

6.        Free or Paid Competitor Apps

Analyze whether these apps are free, or there are some charges to download those apps. It is a matter of research to check out which plan suits you the best. You can go with an approach to offer your app for free to make a difference if most of the competitor apps are paid.

Likewise, if most of them are free, and you analyzed the history of those apps, you can consider placing a price to download your app. Before making any decision, examine your app features and compare it with others to have a better understanding of pricing your app.

7.        Methods of Revenue Generation

No matter if the competitor apps are free to download or paid, there are always some ways through which app owners make money. It would be best if you found out which are those by exploring the hierarchy of competitor apps, how those apps function, and when those apps attract users to pay them.

After analyzing that, you can implement those revenue-making strategies to your app idea. Somehow, it would help if you changed or update those strategies to be different from others. Eventually, you should innovate those methods with some attractive strategies for the users.

8.        Primary Attractions of the Apps

Observe what made you and the users like those apps and why a user would keep using them. When you have the answers to these questions, defining the primary key features of your app idea will become easier.

Usually, a user doesn’t stick to an app if he/she doesn’t like it. Try to find out which are those parts of the apps that made the users stick with them.

9.        Unique Selling Point of Apps

Make your app idea clear with the answer to what does your app will have that the other similar apps don’t. When you define your unique selling point, the process of a realistic app creation will become quite convenient.

Your app idea should be flexible in terms of adapting changes in the future. If you develop a rigid app with absolutely no room for updates, it will become challenging to gain extra users and income.

10.    Marketing Strategies of Competitors

Every business grows with some marketing methodologies. The same goes for the app business as if you don’t have a realistic marketing plan; you cannot be successful. Just review the marketing strategies of your competitors and try to find out which plan will be the most appropriate one for your app.

11.     Learning Outcomes

Learn about those competitor apps as much as you can and conceptualize, which place your app will stand after a successful launch. Learn from the mistakes the competitors have made and try to incorporate admired features in your app.

Eventually, you will get a successful app by following these tips for app niche research. From app design to publishing your app on the Play Store, these tips will help in every step. Make sure to check out our amazing app making templates that will make your app idea a reality in just a few minutes. Follow our social media platforms and tell us how your experience app niche research was.