
How I Went From ZERO to $1,000 /Month With AppsGeyser

In this month we are compiling testimonials of our top users and today we have Mark from the Philippines. $1000 per month in AppsGeyser. Well done Mark

Consider this as your guide if you wanted to get into apps and earn money from it. Just a heads up, there’s no guarantee that you’d be able to replicate what I’ve done, but still, I wanted to share this story just in case you’re able to figure out a way to apply it to your own business.

I’m making now $1000 every month … with the following type of apps

My portfolio now

In the business world, the path isn’t a straight line. It’s more like a bunch of scribbled lines going to different places. It’s never just up or down. It’s never perfect, but the journey is what matters.

My journey into mobile app development started with a website. My son’s favorite game at the time was Roblox, a multiplayer game that somehow looks like Minecraft. Since I’m into blogging, I built a tutorial website for the game using WordPress. My website did well, but I figured that I’d increase traffic if I went mobile.

So I had an app to make but I knew nothing about mobile app development. So, what I did is something that anyone would do in a given situation. I Googled it. I Googled how to make mobile apps. I was bombarded with tons and tons of resources – blogs, videos, ebooks, etc. I chose to read blogs and watch some videos online. After about reading a lot of blogs and watching videos. I realized that I had to begin my mobile app project. So I started my app project. Whenever I used to get stuck, I used to Google for answers, and if I couldn’t get the answers on Google, I would ask them on Stack Overflow.

I Googled it. I Googled how to make mobile apps. I was bombarded with tons and tons of resources – blogs, videos, ebooks, etc. I chose to read blogs and watch some videos online. After about reading a lot of blogs and watching videos. I realized that I had to begin my mobile app project. So I started my app project. Whenever I used to get stuck, I used to Google for answers, and if I couldn’t get the answers on Google, I would ask them on Stack Overflow.

I Googled how to make mobile apps. I was bombarded with tons and tons of resources – blogs, videos, ebooks, etc. I chose to read blogs and watch some videos online. After about reading a lot of blogs and watching videos. I realized that I had to begin my mobile app project. So I started my app project. Whenever I used to get stuck, I used to Google for answers, and if I couldn’t get the answers on Google, I would ask them on Stack Overflow.

I was spending more than 8 hours a day, coding. Every day I used to get up, open my laptop lying next to me, lot and then straight up launch Eclipse – my chosen IDE. Every once in awhile, I would go out for an hour or two to talk to my friends so that I could feel normal again. So after 1-2 months of coding, my project didn’t look good and ha lot of errors.

In a nutshell, I failed to create a mobile app version of my website. But I did not give up though, and while I was looking for answers to fix my coding errors online, I stumbled upon AppsGeyser – an online platform that allows you to create apps from any web content with no coding skills required. What’s more is that AppsGeyser is completely FREE to use and as I have said a while ago, you do not need to know HTML, Eclipse, or have any technical background to make a professional looking mobile app. Cool eh?

Then I was like, OK, looks promising, might as well give it a shot.

And so I did. And I am actually surprised as it works as advertised. I just registered and chose the free website template. Then I was asked to put my site’s URL, specify my app name, provide a description, and upload my app icon. Then voila! My app is ready! I should have done this months ago, saving me time, effort, and money.

OK, so then my app was ready. And since I have an ASO background, it took me just a week to set up an optimized title, short description, and long description. I used low to medium competition keywords with good amount of traffic.

But somehow, I realized that if I put it up for a price, not so many people would buy or download it. I have never known a person who has paid for an app, a software, or a game. Maybe it comes with being a Filipino that no one buys digital goods around you, so you already know, that selling the app is hard.

So my app had to be free, and the money had to come from ads.

Mobile advertising is a quick alternative solution to earning money thru apps because as your user base increases, your income per month increases as well. Remember, the app market wasn’t as saturated back then as it is today, and using Roblox’s fanbase, my free tutorial app exploded onto the Google Play Store scene – the money started coming in and I was making $800-$1000 monthly.

My earnings started from 2$/day to 40$/day. The growth in the income can be seen due to growth in the user-base. The first 3 months got me roughly 3000$. In the next 12 months, I made around 15,000$ from ads. In the year of 2017, my expected income is above 30,000$.
Final Thoughts

In your own app journey. Start it slow and do it right, then ramp up once you can publish apps via AppsGeyser and market it like A,B,C. For sure all your efforts will not go to waste if you will push harder. It will start compounding and you’ll find yourself making more and more money too! Hope that this helps you guys.

Good luck! Keep rocking with Apps Geyser! Get the champagne ready!