
3 Reasons Why You Need To Optimize Your Free Android App

There isn’t a question of whether or not you need to optimize your app, it is very clear that in today’s busy app environment it is vital that your free Android app is fully optimized for you to stand any chance of having app success, however, I am still constantly being asked by app makers why app optimization is so important, so today I am going to look at the three main reasons why app optimization is so important in today’s app market.

Why app optimization is important

1. Keyword competition
Ask yourself why you decided to download at least 50% of the apps that are currently on your mobile device. The answer is most likely to be because you wanted a app that did xyz, and you wrote something into the search option and found an app on the first few pages of the search that looked similar to an app that suits your needs. This is called organic searches and at least 50% of all apps downloaded, infact in most cases its more towards 70% of all apps downloaded are found and installed after carrying out an organic search. This is why keywords are so important, a keyword is what will help bring your app up in an organic search. Can you really afford to lose organic downloads of your app? Tune in tomorrow when we are going to look in a little more details about the importance of keywords and how you can choose a keyword to match your needs.

2. App review and rating
When you decide to go on holiday you may look online at reviews and see what people are really saying about that five tar hotel that you were considering, afterall, you want to make sure that the hotel really matches the description. This is very similar to the app market, you have found an app through your organic search and the app description looks perfect and the images clearly show that the app will suit your needs, however, unless you download the app how do you really know what is going on inside that app? The ratings that people give your app will give a little more insight into the actual usage value of the app and will either incite people to download that app once they have found it in the app market or will discourage the download. Make sure that you are getting good reviews.

3. Keeping your app fresh
You have done so well so far, you have made sure your app is high up there in the app market, you have had some fantastic reviews, however, these reviews are now a few weeks/months old, the app is starting to look a little old in comparison to newer versions out there that are sitting right next to you in the app store. Make sure that your app is seen to be fresh and updated at least once every fortnight so that newer apps don’t come in and take over from your pole position.

In the following few posts we are going to be looking in more details at keywords, their importance for the success of your free Android app, how you can encourage a good rating score and how you can keep your app fresh and exciting. Looking forward to hearing your comments.