6 Questions To Answer Before Getting Started with Android Development

App development is a profitable business due to which more and more people want to enter the app industry. Most people think they need to master some programming languages to become a professional app developer.
That is not the case because AppsGeyser has made it a lot easier for everyone to create an app. Because of AppsGeyser, now even a person with no knowledge about programming can create a high-end app. The prime thing about AppsGeyser is that it is free.
You will further get many free templates to use with AppsGeyser. If you also want to start developing an app, then there are a few questions, which you should answer. These questions will help you to become successful in the app development industry.
1. Are You Making an App as a Business Tool or as a New Business?
There are two different reasons people use AppsGeyser. The first is to make an app for a business that they already have, which they want to turn into a mobile app. The second reason people choose to make an app is to start an app making business.
Whether you want to create a new app for your business, or you wish to convert your business website into an app, you can choose AppsGeyser because it allows both. Within a few minutes, you can develop a professional app using AppsGeyser.
2. Is Your App Audience Android or iOS-Based?
Think about the type of people that will be downloading your app and what devices they are likely to be using to know if it is worthwhile building an Android app or an iOS app. Make sure to do your proper research before launching the app on any of the marketplaces.
Besides, you can also create an Android as well as the iOS version of your app. By doing so, you will target more audience, which will result in better growth of your business.
3. Should You Charge a Downloading Fee?
This is a concept that we have spoken about on several occasions. There are different reasons as to why we feel that an app should be freely available to download for no cost, but you need to make your own decision on this aspect of your app making.
Most users prefer downloading a free app to a paid one. Still, if you want to create a paid app, then make sure to release a free version of that app as well.
You can add ads on the free app and make sure to remove ads from the paid version. By doing so, you can get more downloads and grow your app business.
4. What Template Style Should You Use?
How well do you know your app audience? You need to understand the style that will best grab the attention of your audience.
It may be worth your while trying out a number of the free template styles before deciding upon the template style for your main app. There are 50 free templates, which you can free access with AppsGeyser.
You can use any of the templates and make your free app in a few minutes. Using the AppsGeyser is quite an easier process. The AppsGeyser website does not hold any complicated thing so that anyone can create the app through it.
5. Can You Make the App Yourself?
AppsGeyser templates are straightforward to use, but even so, you may wish to use a third party to create an app for you.
Is it financially viable for you to hire an app maker or should you use a free template to get started and then once your business is thriving move on to a more sophisticated app. Without needing the help of any other developer, you can develop the app yourself using AppsGeyser.
6. Should You Create One App or an App Network?
To make a significant impact on the app world, we suggest that you focus your attention on building several small apps before you embrace your main app.
The reason we recommend building an app network is to help you learn from your app making experiences, understand your audience requirements and develop your audience loyalty.
Besides, an app network will help you grow your business faster. You can make more money through an app network. Make sure that your apps provide value to the users so that you can attract more and more users.
Steps to follow to Start Android App Development
If you are planning to start your career as an android app developer, then you are at right place. Following are the steps to consider if you want to start your app development journey.
1. Learn Programming Language
If you want to start developing an app, then you need to learn a few programming languages. Try different programming languages and choose the best one for you. Following is the list of languages that you can learn to become an app developer.
- Python
- JavaScript
- C++
- C#
You can learn these programming languages by taking courses from Udemy. Besides, you can also learn it from free sources like YouTube and Google.
But if you do not like coding and want an easy solution to create an app, then go for AppsGeyser. Even without any coding knowledge, you can create an app using AppsGeyser.
2. Practice Your Skills
After learning the programming languages, the next thing you need to do is to practice it. Programming language demand practice, and without proper practice, you will forget the codes you have learned.
Therefore, you should write and practice codes regularly. Writing codes will help you develop a better understanding of the programming language.
3. Have an App Idea
Are you ready to create an app? If yes, then you should start thinking about an app idea. Ask yourself what kind of application you want.
If you want your mobile app to be successful, then make a problem-solving app. Find out the problem and give the solution through your app. Having an app idea will make it easier for you to develop the desired application.
4. Start Developing Your App
Now you need to convert your app idea into reality. While developing the app, you can also take help from various app development tools. Some of the tools for app development that you can choose are:
- Android Studio
- Appcelerator
- Xamarin
- AppCode
- Xcode
These app-related tools will help you in developing your desired app. Besides, you can also collaborate with other developers. You can make your team and start developing the app. Creating a team will make it a lot easier for you to develop the application.
Make sure to include both the programmers as well as designers in your team. Further, you can hire developers and designers from different freelancing websites.
5. Test Your App
After developing the app, make sure to test it. Testing your app will help you to find the bugs. Bugs can harm the user experience so you should fix all the bugs before promoting your apps. After completing your app, you can ask your friends and relatives to download and test it.
Get feedback from your friends and try to improve your app through those feedbacks. Do not forget to try AppsGeyser if you want to start your app development career without programming.