Author: Anastasiya


4 Most Common Concerns About Making an Android App

Today I am following on from the post that I uploaded yesterday about the most common questions asked by our potential app makers.  I am going to focus on the most common concerns new app makers face when they decide to create their first Android app. 1. Competition Oh yeah, we all know a little competition is healthy, […]


Customized Code – Give Me Feedback Code

Today we are moving on from the Rate my app code that we gave previously. The code we are giving you today will enable you to insert a link other than GooglePlay so that app users can rate your app elsewhere, such as on your website. As with all customized code, all you need to […]


Customized Code – Rate My App Code

To help you on your way with customization, Appsgeyser will be providing some basic codes that you can simply copy and paste into the script section that is situated within the ‘Advanced Edit’  tab. Today’s code will help you create a pop up box called ‘rate my app’. This code will create a pop-up window […]
