Author: martynov


How Machine Learning Can Be Used in Android Apps

If you are even the slightest bit into tech, you will have caught wind of the waves AI has been making over the past years. It is no longer a futuristic concept that was hailed by sci-fi enthusiasts. Artificial intelligence has finally found a way into the everyday life that we know today. From automated […]


What Are Some Of The Best Android Apps In 2020?

Did you know that the Google Play store currently has around 3.04 million apps? A lot of them are works of art while others are just there without any greater good. We suggest not to kill your precious time trying to figure things out by yourselves. There are just so many Android applications in the […]


Mobile Application Development is Transforming Different Industries

Apps have made a huge impact in different industries across the world.  In an ever-evolving application economy, the only constant that we can be sure of is change.  The latest technological advancements and market trends are an important factor in this industry. Mobile Applications in Transforming Industries Are a Necessity Many industries have been transformed […]


6 Programming Languages for Mobile App Development

Gone are the days when cell phone ownership was limited to the so-called elite and financially competent segment of society. But the scenario has changed radically with technological advances over the past decade. Today everyone has a smartphone. Right from teenage students to the elderly, everyone has a smartphone, regardless of their age, social status, […]
