
Data Management Protocols Every Remote Business Needs to Have in Place

As more businesses move towards remote work, it’s important to have protocols in place to manage data. Here are some data management protocols every remote business should have.

User access control

No matter how big or small your business is, it’s important to have a protocol in place for who has access to what data. This is especially important if you have employees who work remotely, as they may be accessing sensitive data from outside of your secure network.

There are a few different ways you can control user access, but the most important thing is to ensure that only authorized users have access to the data they need. One way to do this is to use role-based access control, which allows you to give different users different levels of access based on their job function. You can also utilize a protocol like IDAP that gives administrators comprehensive control over all information access requests and allows for changes to access in real-time. 

Backup and disaster recovery

In the event that your business is hit with a natural disaster or your building experiences a power outage, do you have a plan in place for how to keep your data safe? Backing up your data on a regular basis is crucial to maintaining the integrity of your business, and having a plan for how to recover that data in the event of an emergency is just as important.

There are a few different ways you can back up your data, but the most important thing is to have at least two backups in place so that you have a redundant system. One way to do this is to use an on-site backup system, like an external hard drive, and combine that with an off-site backup, like a cloud-based storage system. That way, even if your on-site backup is lost or damaged, you’ll still have a copy of your data stored safely off-site.

Data security

When it comes to data security, there are a few different protocols you need to have in place to ensure that your data is safe. First, you need to ensure that your data is encrypted both at rest and in transit. This means that even if someone were to gain access to your data, they would not be able to read it without the proper decryption key. For example, with increased usage of accounts payable automation, digitalization brought a lot of speed and flexibility but it also opened a lot of holes and vulnerability. This is where your data security needs to be on point.

Second, you need to have a protocol in place for how to handle data breaches. This includes having a plan for how to quickly identify and contain a breach, as well as how to notify affected users and customers. Finally, you need to have a plan for how to prevent data breaches from happening in the first place. This includes implementing security measures like two-factor authentication and intrusion detection systems.

Data governance

Data governance is all about setting standards for how data is collected, used, and shared within your organization. This includes things like setting policies for how data is to be used and ensuring that only authorized users have access to it. It also includes ensuring that your data is accurate and up-to-date, as well as making sure it is properly stored and backed up.

Data governance is important because it helps to ensure that your data is reliable and that your organization is compliant with any applicable laws and regulations. Having a strong data governance program in place can also help to prevent data breaches from happening, as it sets clear guidelines for how data should be handled.

Employee education and training

Employee education and training is an important part of data management. This includes things like ensuring that employees understand your organization’s data policies and procedures, as well as providing training on how to properly handle data. Employee education and training is important because it helps to ensure that your data is managed correctly and that your employees are aware of their responsibilities. Employees continue to constitute a company’s biggest cybersecurity threat, so keeping them informed is invaluable.

Data quality

Data quality is all about ensuring that your data is accurate, complete, and consistent. This includes things like ensuring that data is entered correctly, verifying that data is from a reliable source, and making sure that data is formatted consistently. Data quality is important because it helps to ensure that your decision-making is based on accurate and complete information.

Wifi and connection integrity

If your business relies on wifi or other internet-based connections, it’s important to have a protocol in place to ensure that these connections are always available. This includes things like having a backup internet connection in case of an outage, as well as implementing security measures to protect against data breaches, including recommendations for employees to secure their own devices by installing a VPN etc. 

It’s also important to have a protocol in place for how to handle outages or other disruptions to your internet connection. This may include things like having a plan for how employees can work offline, as well as how to communicate with customers and clients if your website or email is down.

Endpoint control and regulations

If your business allows employees to access data from personal devices, it’s important to have a protocol in place for how this is done. This includes things like ensuring that only authorized devices have access to your data, as well as implementing security measures like two-factor authentication and desktop virtualization

It’s also important to have a protocol in place for how data is to be used on these personal devices. This may include setting policies for how data can be accessed and shared, as well as what types of activities are allowed on company devices.

Data retention

Data retention is the process of keeping data for a set period of time. This may be required by law or regulation, or it may be done for business or operational purposes. Regardless of the reason, it’s important to have a protocol in place for how data is to be retained. This includes things like specifying how long data needs to be kept and ensuring that it is properly stored and backed up.

Data retention is important because it helps to ensure that your organization is compliant with any applicable laws and regulations. It can also help to prevent data breaches, as it ensures that data is not kept for longer than necessary.

Data destruction

Data destruction is the process of permanently destroying data so that it cannot be recovered. This may be done for security or compliance reasons, or it may be done to free up storage space. Regardless of the reason, it’s important to have a protocol in place for how data is to be destroyed. This includes things like specifying which data needs to be destroyed and ensuring that it is properly deleted from all devices and backups.


Data management is vital for any business, but it can be especially important for remote businesses. By having a data management plan in place, you can help to ensure that your data is safe, secure, and compliant with any applicable laws and regulations. Implementing the protocols listed above can help to get your business started on the right track.