
How to Leverage SEO to Market and Grow Your App

So you’ve built an amazing app that you know users are going to love. But now comes the hard part – actually getting it in front of those users right?

With over 5 million apps in the major stores, standing out is no easy task these days. But don’t sweat it, we’ve got you covered! Leveraging search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most effective ways to market your app and get it discovered by more users organically.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll break down all the ins and outs of developing a rock-solid SEO strategy tailored for app growth and success. Let’s dive in!

SEO and ASO – What’s the Diff?

Before we get into the nitty gritty of optimizing, it’s important to understand the core difference between SEO and App Store Optimization (ASO). With limited knowledge it may be best to reach out to an SEO agency like Marketix Digital.

SEO focuses on optimizing content and pages for search engines like Google and Bing, often leveraging strategies and insights from the best SEO blogs. The goal is to rank higher in organic search results and drive traffic to your website.

ASO on the other hand deals exclusively with optimizing your app’s page and metadata in the app stores themselves. Things like your app title, description, screenshots etc. The end goal – get more visibility and downloads for your app!

So in summary:

  • SEO = website optimization for search engines
  • ASO = store page optimization for app stores

Make sense? Both are equally crucial for app marketing success.

Now here are some other key differences:

  • Focus – SEO is web-centric while ASO centers on the app stores.
  • Factors – SEO looks at things like backlinks, site speed, UI etc. ASO analyzes your app page elements like screenshots and preview videos.
  • Goals – For SEO it’s higher organic traffic and rankings. ASO aims for increased downloads and lower cost per install.

While they have differing approaches, SEO and ASO work hand in hand to boost visibility and growth for your app through both web and app store channels.

Optimizing On-Page Elements

Alright, now that we’re clear on why SEO matters for app marketers like yourself, let’s get into some optimization best practices. We’ll start with key on-page elements of your website.

Create a User-Friendly Website

First things first – having a well-designed, mobile responsive website optimized for SEO is crucial. Here are some tips:

  • Make sure your app is prominently featured on the homepage. Add buttons to download from the app store.
  • Streamline site speed and navigation – optimize images, minimize redirects, simplify menus.
  • Focus on UI and UX to keep visitors engaged. Include app walkthroughs and testimonials.

By driving SEO traffic to an optimized site experience, you can convert more visitors into app users.

Create Valuable SEO Content

Well-written, informative content helps your site rank better and provides value to potential app users.

Devise a content strategy and editorial calendar covering topics and questions your target users care about. Promote your content across channels to increase engagement.

Some effective formats include:

  • Blog posts
  • Ebooks
  • Whitepapers
  • Webinars
  • Infographics
  • Videos

The more quality content you can produce and promote, the more SEO juice you get!

Optimize Website Copy

Don’t forget to optimize all your website copy, not just content. Include keywords in key places like page titles, metadata descriptions, headings, image alt text, URLs etc. But avoid awkward overuse – write for humans first!

Leveraging Off-Page SEO Tactics

Now that we’ve covered important on-page factors, let’s look at some powerful off-page SEO strategies to employ as well.

Focus on Link Building

In SEO, links = votes. So getting authoritative sites to link back to your website is crucial for credibility and rankings.

Some white hat link building tactics include:

  • Guest blogging on relevant sites
  • Expert interviews on podcasts
  • Contributed articles on industry publications
  • Directory listings like Crunchbase
  • Partnerships and influencer collaborations

Quality over quantity is key – build links gradually on reputable domains.

Harness the Power of Social Media

Don’t underestimate the power of social media for cheap SEO and app marketing.

Optimize your profiles with keywords and links back to your site. Post videos, images, infographics and other engaging content. Grow your followers and community.

Work with Relevant Influencers

Influencer marketing is on the rise for good reason – it works! Partner with influencers like bloggers and YouTubers in your app niche to expand reach. Offer exclusive perks in exchange for sponsored content showcasing your app.

Pitch the Media

PR and earned media coverage on popular websites helps build SEO links and interest around your app. There are proven ways to promote apps with email marketing too, so don’t dismiss this.

Craft press releases highlighting interesting app updates, trends or data to pitch for features in online publications. Reach out for interviews on podcasts and shows. The more external signals like this you can earn, the faster your rankings will climb.

Optimizing Your App Store Listing

Alright, you’re nailing SEO for your website, now let’s shift gears to ASO and optimizing your actual app store presence.

Here are the key factors to focus on for prime App Store real estate:

Keywords in Metadata

Starting with the basics – make sure to include relevant, high volume keywords in key metadata fields:

  • App Title – Include 1-2 primary keywords here
  • Subtitle – Highlight your unique value proposition
  • Description – Expand on features and benefits
  • Category – Choose the most accurate one(s)

Tools like AppTweak and Mobile Action can identify the best keywords to target.

Compelling Screenshots

Visually showcase your app’s strongest elements and UI through memorable screenshots. Highlight key features and value. Include some text and graphics for interest, but avoid clutter. Arrange shots to tell a story.

Monitor and Update Frequently

ASO is an ongoing process. Continuously monitor keyword ranks and optimize based on insights. Update your listing frequently with new features, releases and improvements to show your app is well-maintained.

Acquire Ratings and Reviews

Positive app reviews and higher ratings lead to better rankings. Prompt satisfied users to leave feedback via a mobile app survey. Respond empathetically to negative reviews and offer support. This builds user trust and loyalty.

Bringing SEO and ASO Together

We’ve covered a ton of ground on optimizing both your website (SEO) and app store presence (ASO). Now let’s talk about strategies for aligning these two crucial areas for maximum impact.

Repurpose SEO Content

Reuse interesting content from your SEO blog and website as source material for crafting engaging App Store copy.

Direct SEO Traffic to ASO Pages

Add links within your SEO content pointing users to download your app.

Drive website visitors straight to your optimized App Store listing page to convert.

Track User Journey Across Channels

Use analytics to evaluate how users flow from search results to your site to the app store. Identify any friction points. Gain insights into where conversions are falling off and focus efforts there.

Monitor Both SEO and ASO KPIs

Tools like App Annie allow you to monitor key metrics for both channels like rankings, impressions, CTRs and downloads. Understanding key performance indicators allows you to measure the success of your app. Analyze cross-channel data to shape an integrated optimization strategy that amplifies results.

Final Thoughts

For more hands-on help developing and executing an integrated app growth strategy, leverage SEO and ASO experts like an SEO agency. A team of specialists can help turbocharge your app’s rankings and downloads.

Now get out there and start optimizing so you can get your amazing app in front of the people who need it! Wishing you huge success.