
5 Ways To Write Effective Mobile App Surveys

When it comes to having a mobile app, you always have to take into account the customers’ feedback to make the experience better. When you listen to feedback, the following will happen:

  • Strengthened loyalty
  • Improved retention, AND
  • Increased revenue

And what better way to listen to customers than to send them mobile surveys, which can help you gather thousands of responses in a short time while letting you make data-driven decisions at a faster rate. Surveys can help you generate the right data based on the survey takers’ responses. Therefore, it’s extremely important to make sure that you phrase both the questions and the answers you provide, so that survey takers are more likely to answer, and people who use your app are more likely to take the survey in the first place.

With that in mind, to ensure that you ask the best questions and send them out inappropriate times, here are 5 ways to write effective surveys for your mobile app:

1. Set Goals

“Before you create a survey, think about what you want to accomplish from it,” says Eric Fields, a business writer at Let’s go and learn and Best essay writing services. “Then, start writing questions based on the survey’s goal. What do you want to learn from the survey and its results? What is the one goal that you want to focus on when creating a survey? Remember: don’t try to overwhelm the survey with multi-prong goals. You’ll have only 4 to 6 questions to gather the information you need; each question must have a distinct purpose behind them – straightforward and focused.”

2. Keep It Short And Sweet

You might have come across 30-question surveys that pop up immediately after you open an app or website. But would you take the time to complete such a long survey? No!

So, as tempting as it can be to have 30+ questions in a survey, you can’t do that with mobile app ones. Therefore, it’s important to limit your questions to just a handful – preferably 4 to 6 questions.

Plus, make sure that all of your survey questions are warranting of a response. In other words, ask yourself these questions:

  • Is this question absolutely necessary to the survey? AND
  • Is this the only way to capture the information and feedback that I’m seeking?

If you’ve answered “no” to either one of those questions, then it’s best to leave it out of the survey.

And, be sure to gather as much information as you can via metadata and analytics. By looking at the metadata and analytics, you’ll reduce the need for questions that can be answered through those channels.

By making your surveys short and sweet, you won’t annoy your customers, and they’ll be willing to answer a few questions and help you improve your app.

3. Pick The Right Time And Place

While finding the right audience for your survey is essential, still take into account that you have to reach them WHEN they want to and WHERE they want to. If you send them a survey at the wrong time and or the wrong place, then you’ll risk losing them and not getting the best results.

Therefore, you must be respectful of the customer’s mobile experience. Make sure that your request for feedback doesn’t interrupt customers from doing other things. In other words, everything must be contextual, and they’re okay with answering a few questions from you.

At the right time and place – preferably after customers spend a certain amount of time using the app – the experience is still fresh in their minds, and they can give you more honest survey results.

4. Allow Valuable Feedback

When sending surveys, allow customers to give you the most valuable feedback possible. Here are types of questions to consider:

  • Close-ended questions
  • Open-ended questions
  • Multiple choice

However, don’t limit yourself to close-ended questions. With open-ended questions, consumers can provide more detailed explanations of why they feel the way they do, and why their answers are like that. Plus, open-ended feedback tends to give you more insight than multiple choice questions, because multiple-choice answers tend to be brief and don’t take the customer’s emotions and beliefs into account, thus dehumanizing their experience.

Finally, be sure to practice caution when requiring survey questions. Don’t require a question unless your survey can function without it. Why? Well, for two reasons:

  • If a question is required, making it bias will skew your results, and might scare off your survey takers. If you don’t have the answer that they’re looking for, or they don’t have an opinion, making them answer your question anyway will make them drop your survey.
  • On the other hand, if a survey taker accidentally skips a required question, they most likely won’t bother to scroll back through the survey to figure out which question(s) they might have missed. In that case, survey takers will often get out of the survey without submitting it.

So, to ensure that you’re not doctoring or limiting responses, always allow valuable feedback.

5. Study The Results

Sometimes, not everyone takes the time to analyze their survey results. That can be detrimental to how you and your company do things, because the point of a survey to see what things are working, and how you can improve your brand.

“Once you collect all the feedback from a survey, analyze the responses,” says Rosalind Hoke, a marketing blogger at Dissertation service and Write my essay. “By learning about your customers’ experiences on your mobile app, you can identify how you can improve their future interactions with your brand. If something needs attention, then your customers will tell you – don’t be afraid to accept that feedback. Plus, you’ll spot any responses you may have missed from close-ended questions, while you focus more so on open-ended ones.”

BONUS TIP: Personalize!

Yes, take the time to personalize your survey.

Remember: your survey takers are people, not users. Therefore, be sure to talk to them like they’re people, not users.

That’s where personalization comes in. When creating your survey, be sure to have your customers in mind, which means getting to know your target audience more. To personalize your survey, keep the following objectives in mind:

  • Begin questions with like “What do you think of…” and, “How do you feel about…” These questions appear as conversational, which are a plus for survey takers.
  • Use language that addresses survey takers directly. By doing so, it sends a message that you and your company or organization genuinely interested in understanding what had transpired in their personal experience(s). As a result, they’re more likely to take the time out of their busy day to give you feedback and fill out your survey.


As you can see, there are many things to consider when sending a survey to customers who use your app. To gather the best results, you must create the best in-app survey possible. As you gather all the feedback, have a good understanding of how people are using your app, and how their experiences can be better.

By following these 5 practices, not only will you create great surveys for your app, but you’ll also be able to improve it by listening to customer feedback. Plus, you’ll avoid the many pitfalls that stem from poor questions, inappropriate delivery times, and annoying customers. So, don’t be afraid to send out adequate surveys, and watch your customer base grow.

Kristin Herman is a writer and editor at Student writing services and Boom essays. She is also a contributing writer for online publications, such as Write my Australia. As a marketing writer, she blogs about the latest trends in online advertising and social media influencing.