
How to Test an App?

Testing an app is a crucial step in the software development process. It ensures that the app meets the requirements, functions correctly, and provides a good user experience. Testing an app can also help identify and fix bugs, errors, and security issues before they affect the end users.

Different types of testing can be applied to an app, such as functional testing, usability testing, performance testing, security testing, compatibility testing, and more. Each type of testing has its purpose, scope, and methods. Depending on the app’s features, complexity, and target audience, some types of testing may be more important or relevant than others.

In this article, we will introduce the basics of app testing, including the types of testing, the tools and methods used, and the best practices to follow. We will also provide some examples and tips to help you get started with testing your app. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, this article will help you learn how to test an app effectively and efficiently.

By the end of this guide, you will be equipped with the knowledge and resources needed to test your mobile applications thoroughly. So, let’s embark on this journey to demystify app testing and unlock the secrets to building high-quality, user-centric mobile applications.

What is an App Testing and Why You May Need It

App testing is the process of evaluating the app’s quality, functionality, usability, and performance before its public release. It can help developers identify and fix bugs, errors, and defects that may affect the user experience or the security of the app. It is also necessary to help developers ensure that the app meets the requirements and expectations of the target audience and the stakeholders.

App Testing

There are different ways how to test an app for bugs, including:

  • Unit testing: This is the testing of individual app components or modules, such as classes, methods, or functions. Unit testing can help verify that each component works as intended and does not cause any unexpected errors or side effects.
  • Integration testing: This is the testing of how different components or modules interact with each other and with external systems, such as databases, APIs, or third-party services. Integration testing can help detect any compatibility or communication issues that may arise when different parts of the app work together.
  • System testing: This is the testing of the app as a complete system. System testing can help evaluate the overall functionality, reliability, and performance of the app under various conditions and scenarios.
  • User acceptance testing: This is the testing of the app by the end-users or potential customers. User acceptance testing can help assess whether the app meets the user’s needs and expectations and whether it provides a satisfactory user experience.
  • Regression testing: This is the app testing after any changes or updates. Regression testing can help ensure that the changes do not start any new bugs or errors or affect any existing app features or functionalities.
  • Functional testing: This type of testing ensures that the app’s features work as expected. For example, a functional tester might check to see if the app can successfully log in, send a message, or make a purchase.
  • Usability testing: This type of testing evaluates how easy it is to use the app. Usability testers typically observe users as they interact with the app and collect feedback on their experience.
  • Performance testing: This type of testing evaluates how well the app performs under different conditions. For example, a performance tester might check to see how the app performs when it is used on a slow network connection or with many users.
  • Security testing: This type of testing evaluates the app’s security. Security testers look for vulnerabilities that could be exploited by hackers.

The app can be tested manually or automatically, using various tools and techniques. Manual testing involves human testers who use the app and check for any issues or problems. Manual testing can be more flexible and creative, but also more time-consuming and error-prone. Automatic testing involves using tools or scripts that run predefined tests on the app and report any failures or discrepancies. Automatic testing can be more efficient and consistent, but also more rigid and limited.

App development

App testing is an essential part of app development and has many benefits:

  • Improved user experience: App testing can help to identify usability issues and improve the user experience. This includes things like making sure that the app is easy to navigate, that the buttons are easy to click, and that the text is easy to read.
  • Reduced development costs: By identifying and fixing bugs early in the development process, app testing can help to reduce the cost of development.
  • Increased app store ranking: Apps that are well-tested and have a good user experience are more likely to be ranked higher in app stores.
  • Increased brand reputation: A well-tested app reflects positively on the company that developed it.
  • Protected user data: App testing can help to identify security vulnerabilities and protect users from hackers. This is important for preventing users from having their personal information stolen or their devices compromised.
  • Compliance with regulations: Some industries, such as healthcare and finance, have strict regulations that mobile apps must comply with. App testing can help to ensure that apps comply with these regulations.
  • Increased trust and loyalty of your users: Users are more likely to download, use, and recommend an app that is reliable, secure, and easy to use than an app that is buggy, slow, or confusing. By testing your app thoroughly and regularly, you can ensure that your app delivers a high-quality service that meets or exceeds the user’s expectations and needs.
  • Improved app usability and accessibility: Usability refers to how easy and intuitive it is for users to interact with your app and achieve their goals. Accessibility refers to how well your app accommodates the needs and preferences of users with different abilities and needs. By testing your app with real users or using tools such as screen readers, voice assistants, etc., you can evaluate how user-friendly and inclusive your app is and make any necessary improvements to enhance the user interface and user experience.

Best Possible Ways How to Test an App on iPad or Android

Testing on a Real or Virtual device

There are two main options: testing on a real device or testing on a virtual device. Each option has its advantages and disadvantages, and choosing the right one depends on your app’s features, requirements, and budget.

app testing on a real or virtual device

Testing on a real device means using an actual physical device, such as a smartphone or a tablet, to run your app and check its functionality, performance, and user experience. This is the most realistic way to test your app, as it simulates the actual conditions and scenarios that your users will face when using your app.

Some pros of testing on real devices include:

  • You can check your app’s compatibility with different hardware specifications, such as screen size, resolution, memory, battery, camera, sensors, etc.
  • You can test your app’s responsiveness and stability under various network conditions, such as Wi-Fi, 3G, 4G, 5G, etc.
  • You can test your app’s interaction with other apps and services on the device, such as notifications, calls, messages, GPS, Bluetooth, etc.
  • You can test your app’s usability and accessibility for different user groups, such as people with disabilities, different languages, different preferences, etc.
  • You can test your app’s security and privacy features, such as encryption, authentication, permissions, data protection, etc.

However, there are also some cons to testing on real devices, including:

  • It can be expensive and time-consuming to acquire and maintain many devices with different models, brands, operating systems, versions, etc.
  • It can be difficult and risky to access some devices that are not widely available or not yet released publicly.
  • Manual installation and updating your app on each device every time you make a change or fix a bug is challenging and tedious.
  • It can be hard and unreliable to reproduce some issues or errors that occur only on specific devices or under certain circumstances.

Testing on a virtual device means using a software tool that emulates or simulates a physical device on your computer. You can run your app on the virtual device and check its functionality, performance, and user experience. This is a convenient and cost-effective way to test your app without needing to buy or borrow any actual devices.

testing on virtual devices

Some of the pros of testing on virtual devices include:

  • Testing your app is possible on a wide range of devices with different configurations and specifications without spending any money or space.
  • You can test your app on devices that are not yet available or accessible in the market or in your region.
  • You can easily install and update your app automatically on the virtual device with just a few clicks—it saves a lot of time and effort.
  • You can test your app consistently and accurately by reproducing the same conditions and scenarios every time you run it.

However, there are also some cons to testing on virtual devices, including:

  • Virtual devices are not as accurate as real devices, which can make it more difficult to find and fix bugs.
  • Virtual devices cannot be used to test the user experience of an app, as they do not have the same hardware and software as real devices.
  • It cannot fully replicate the real-world environment and behavior of an actual device. For example, it may not support some hardware features or network settings that are essential for your app.
  • It may not capture the real user feedback and satisfaction of your app. For example, it may not show how your app looks or feels on different screen sizes or resolutions.

Which method is best? It depends on the specific app and available resources. If accuracy is important, then testing on real devices is the best option. However, if cost-effectiveness and time efficiency are important, then testing on virtual devices is a better option.

In most cases, a combination of real device testing and virtual device testing is the best approach. This will allow developers to get the best of both worlds, by testing on real devices to ensure accuracy and on virtual devices to save time and money.

 App Testing on Real DevicesApp Testing on Virtual Devices
AccuracyProvides accurate representation of real-world scenariosMay deviate from real device behavior
Device-Specific IssuesUncover device-specific issues and bugsMay miss certain device-specific problems
Sensor and Peripheral TestingAllows testing of sensors and peripherals accuratelyLimited support for some device sensors and peripherals
User Experience ValidationValidates usability, gestures, and overall feelMay not perfectly replicate the real user experience
Device AvailabilityRequires investment in a wide range of physical devicesProvides access to a variety of device configurations
Cost and MaintenanceCan be costly and time-consuming to acquire and maintain devicesCost-effective, no physical device costs, easy setup
ScalabilityManual intervention, slower testing cycle when scaling upRapid deployment, easy setup, suitable for automation
Physical ConstraintsSubject to physical limitations (battery life, network connectivity)Controlled and reproducible testing environment
CompatibilityProvides accurate compatibility assessment on real devicesMay have limited compatibility with specific hardware features
Test AutomationMay require additional effort to integrate with automation frameworksWell-suited for test automation and continuous integration
ReproducibilityDifficult to precisely replicate specific scenariosOffers reproducible testing environments

Testing on Cloud

testing on cloud

Cloud-based app testing is a method of testing apps using cloud computing resources. This method offers several benefits over traditional app testing methods, such as:

  • Scalability: Cloud-based platforms can be scaled up or down to accommodate the testing team’s needs. This can save time and money, as there is no need to purchase or rent additional hardware.
  • Accessibility: Cloud-based platforms are accessible from anywhere with an internet connection. This makes it easy for developers to collaborate on testing and to get feedback from users.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Cloud-based platforms are typically more cost effective than traditional app testing methods. This is because there is no need to purchase or maintain hardware, and the costs are typically based on usage.
  • Speed: Testers can access the testing resources anytime and anywhere, without having to wait for device availability or setup. It makes the testing much faster.

However, there are some drawbacks:

  • Security: Cloud-based platforms can be a target for hackers. This is because they store sensitive data, such as user credentials and app source code.
  • Latency: Cloud-based platforms can experience latency, which can impact the performance of the app being tested.
  • Compatibility: Not all cloud-based platforms are compatible with all mobile devices. This can make it difficult to test on a variety of devices.
  • Reliability: Cloud-based app testing depends on the availability and performance of the cloud provider’s services, which may be affected by factors such as network congestion, server downtime, or service outages.

Manual or Automated Testing

There are two main types of app testing: manual testing and automated testing.

Manual app testing is the process of testing an app by human testers without using any automation tools or scripts. Manual testers interact with the app under different conditions or situations to analyze how it responds. They follow a set of test cases or scenarios that cover the app’s features and functionalities. They also report any bugs, errors, or anomalies they find during the testing process.

Manual app testing is usually done in the early stages of development when the app is still unstable or incomplete. It is also used for exploratory testing, which involves testing the app without a predefined plan or script. Exploratory testing allows testers to discover new bugs or issues that may not be covered by test cases.

Pros of manual testing:

  • Flexibility: Manual testing is flexible, as testers can tailor the tests to the specific app and the specific requirements.
  • Accuracy: Manual testing can be more accurate than automated testing, as testers can identify problems that automated tests may miss.
  • Human intuition: Manual testers can use their intuition to identify problems that automated tests may not be able to find.
manual testing

Cons of manual testing:

  • Time-consuming: Manual testing can be time-consuming, as testers need to manually interact with the app and look for problems.
  • Error-prone: Manual testing can be error-prone, as testers may make mistakes when interacting with the app or when interpreting the results of the tests.
  • Subjective: Manual testing can be subjective, as the results of the tests can be influenced by the tester’s personal preferences.
automated app testing

Automated app testing

It’s the process of testing an app by using automation tools or scripts that execute test cases automatically. Automated testers write code or use frameworks to create test scripts that simulate user actions required for testing the app. They also use tools to generate test data, run tests, and report results.

Automated app testing is usually done in the later stages of development when the app is more stable and complete. It is also used for regression testing, which involves testing the app after changes are made to ensure that no new bugs are introduced. Regression testing requires running the same tests repeatedly with different inputs and values, which can be tedious and time-consuming for manual testers.

Pros of automated testing:

  • Timesaving: Automated testing can save time, as testers do not need to manually interact with the app.
  • Cost-effective: Automated testing can be cost-effective, as it can be used to test apps on a large scale.
  • Scalable: Automated testing can be scaled up or down to accommodate the needs of the testing team.
  • Repeatable: Automated tests can be run repeatedly, which can help to ensure that bugs are not reintroduced into the app.
mobile app development

Cons of automated testing:

  • Accuracy: Automated testing can be less accurate than manual testing, as automated tests may not be able to identify all the problems in an app.
  • Complexity: Automated testing can be complex to set up and maintain.
  • Rigidity: Automated tests can be rigid, as they may not be able to adapt to changes in the app.

There are many automated testing tools available, some of which are free and some of which are paid. They also include instructions on how to test an app on Android phone or iPhone. Some popular tools are:

  • Appium: A cross-platform tool that allows you to write test scripts in any programming language and run them on any device or platform. It supports native, hybrid, and web apps.
  • Selenium: A web-based tool that allows you to write test scripts in various programming languages and run them on any browser or platform. It supports web apps and websites.
  • Espresso: An Android-specific tool that allows you to write test scripts in Java or Kotlin and run them on Android devices or emulators. It supports native and hybrid apps.
  • XCUITest: An iOS-specific tool that allows you to write test scripts in Swift or Objective-C and run them on iOS devices or simulators. It supports native and hybrid apps.
  • Testsigma: A cloud-based tool that allows you to write test scripts in natural language and run them on real devices or browsers. It supports native, hybrid, and web apps.
  • Calabash: Calabash is an open-source automated testing framework that can be used to test mobile apps on iOS and Android devices.
  • Robotium: An open-source automated testing framework that can be used to test Android apps.
  • UIAutomator: An open-source automated testing framework that can be used to test Android apps.
  • Xamarin Test Cloud: A cloud-based automated testing service that can be used to test mobile apps on iOS and Android devices.
  • Playwright testing: Playwright is an open-source Node.js library that enables efficient E2E testing of web apps.
App Testing tools for Android & Ios

Conclusion or Frequently Asked Questions

Why is an app testing important?

App testing is crucial to identify defects, bugs, and performance issues before the app reaches users, ensuring a flawless user experience and optimal app performance.

What are the different types of app testing?

App testing includes functional testing, usability testing, performance testing, security testing, compatibility testing, and more.

What is the difference between manual and automated testing?

Manual testing involves human intervention and exploration of the app, while automated testing uses software tools to execute predefined test scripts.

Which testing methodology should I choose for my app?

The choice of the way how to test an app on iPhone or Android depends on various factors such as project requirements, budget, and timeline. A combination of manual and automated testing often yields the best results.

What devices should I test my app on?

It is important to test your app on a range of devices, including popular models and various operating systems, to ensure compatibility and a consistent user experience.

What are some popular app testing tools?

Popular app testing tools include Appium, Selenium, Espresso, XCUITest, Testsigma, Calabash, Robotium, UIAutomator, Xamarin Test Cloud, and many more. These tools aid in functional, performance, and compatibility testing.

What is exploratory testing?

Exploratory testing involves testers using their expertise to simulate real-world scenarios and uncover defects or usability issues that may have been missed by scripted tests.

Should I test on real devices or use virtual devices?

Both approaches have pros and cons. Testing on real devices provides accurate representation, while virtual devices offer cost-effectiveness and scalability. A combination of both is often ideal.

Can I perform app testing on the cloud?

Yes, cloud-based testing platforms allow you to test your app on virtual devices in the cloud, providing scalability, cost savings, and rapid deployment options.