
How to Create a New Android App Idea – Check App Ideas with App Makers

New Android App Idea

Mobile app development dominates the mobile market across the world. Even small enterprises do not wait to attain the stage of a big enterprise before they develop their own mobiles application. They develop their mobile application in other to lure more customers to use their service. they do this because they want to stand the test of time and stay updated as technology takes over the world – to stand out among your contemporaries. It is very important one gets the best idea or information to get something that would attract people to use your mobile app. Anyhow application won’t attract users or audiences.

People now find it easier to use a mobile that has everything accessible and user friendly than a website.   You need to gather your app ideas and put them to the utmost use. This can be done by making sure that your app is ready to give your users the best experience. You might have an amazing or a very good sketch of your mobile app that keeps popping up on your memory but there isn’t a way for you to make this into an actual application.

If you are able to mass all your ideas together, you should be ending up with a fun android app. Yes, that is the truth! Although, a little luck also add to the success of your mobile application. Picasso once said, “A good artist copies, a great artist steals.” We are all taking or stealing from someone, nothing is new again in our world. You will get inspired by looking at templates, themes, similar applications layout designs. All these will help you get started.

One thing you should be aware of is that everyone out there who is creating an application, also want to build a unique, great, fun android app like yourself. It would be a little bit difficult for one to successfully build an application that is 100% unique. There are some steps you can follow in creating a unique app, this steps are widely used by many developers to create something unique that would serve the interest and of the users.


Here are some steps you should take before creating your app. This will spur your app ideas and would provide you with a new application idea.

  • Think of your idea creatively and have a mental image of how you want things to be on your app
  • Look up to existing apps with a similar characteristic, with the matching keywords, you will discover there are lots of app like that store.
  • Now you have to download those applications and explore their features, know how they work and how they make their layout designs. This will give you an insight in understanding how you really want thing to be on your app.
  • Now you have to work on your logic; think of ways you can make these things you’re exploring into what you want, get the missing feature or the missing item that would turn this app totally around, into something that would communicate your uniqueness and standard. Doing this will let you know those areas you need to improve in your own android app.
  • Think of a fun app, slightly different than what you are seeing. For example, if your first app idea is that of toy app that allows users to randomly generate and win toys for particular age group, you now have to narrow your idea down. Be specific.
  • Look up for similar apps and notes how you can increase their usability and make it attractive to your users.
  • Again, you should look up for similar apps after you have narrowed down your ideal, you should repeat this continuously until you attain your uniqueness.

So after making your own app idea research, you should answer the following questions:

  1. Are there any apps similar to mine on the market?
  2. Have the competitive apps achieved high download rates?
  3. How long have the competitor apps been on the market?
  4. What are the reviewers saying about these apps?
  5. How many apps does the competitor app developer have in the market?
  6. Are these app free or do they have a charge to download?
  7. How does this app developer make money from these apps?
  8. What made me like this app and would I use it again?
  9. What does this app have that other similar apps don’t have?
  10. What marketing exists around this app?
  11. What can I learn from this app that I would like to incorporate in my own app?


You might have plenty of ideas as you repeat those steps above but this does not serve as an assurance that you will get plenty of downloads. Another thing you should be aware of is that you should validate your ideas in order to know if there is a need for the app you are envisaging, so, that you will not end up creating an unnecessary application. The major thing you should be after is an app that would serve a purpose and also be user friendly. You can validate a game app by using the top app chart of the app store and that of the play store. For you to validate the market for your android app game, you should confirm if there is a market for that kind of android app you are bringing on. If you discovered that kind of game usually generates a lot of players, it is logical for you to proceed with your android app ideal. You can try to make your game application unique but you can’t attain 100% uniqueness but you can always make yours a better version.

Importantly, you can also validate your non-games application outside of the app store. Stay in the loop for what your target audience wants. You can’t create something that won’t be appreciated by your target audience.


In this section we will be sharing with you the top best app builders that would offer you the best, cool apps ideas. This is especially for those who want to make their Android app or mobile app without venturing into the stressful process of building an android app from the scratch. This will involve little or no coding, you might want to tweak some areas of the application into your own style or idea mobile. We envisaged pitching our customers with the best app making platforms that have secured themselves a place above their contemporaries.

  • AppsGeyser

One of the first and best android app makers for Android. It’s popular due to its wide range of free app templates. You can make Android apps for business, education, or even fun. Today the platform has over 30 app templates for Android. Unlike other app builders, AppsGeyser is free to use – you can make apps and publish them on markets without extra charges.

  • Appy Pie

The Appy Pie is one of the best app makers in the world.  One of the reasons why Appy Pie gained significant recognition is because of its ability to allow beginners to create their fun android app within a short period of time. developing enterprise businesses would find this app maker very useful and helpful because it allows them to use some of its features free of charge. Appy Pie gives new users some tutorials that would help them get started. This product will help you power your cool app ideas into reality.

  • BuildFire

BuildFire is one of the most reliable app makers of time. A lot of business enterprises have used this application to develop their own mobile application. This platform opens your mind to new application ideas that can complement yours. BuildFire gained its popularity because of its very friendly user interface that makes it welcoming for beginners to use it easily without having much coding knowledge in android mobile app or app development. This platform opens you to new application ideas, that will add to your own existing creativity.

  • GoodBarber

This app building platform has one of the most astonishing themes of all time. This platform can be accessible even to those with little or no coding experience. With your basic computer skill, you should be able to interact with the features on this platform.

  • iBuildApp

iBuildApp has the best and the easiest drag and drops editor that would make you love using this platform. Their templates are way better than any other templates, anywhere. iBuildApp comes with a content management system. This platform also offers good marketing characteristics, that would give your mobile app a touch of perfection. You can conveniently use this mobile app maker to create cool and amazing android applications.


You might have a different Idea app for your android mobile, you should always open your mind to every simple information you can gather, no matter how minute these details are, it might be the key to creating your best mobile application, also, building an android app might be the key to promoting your business and gaining more audience for your enterprise business.