
The only Argentine companies that pay salaries in dollars

 They are looking for employees, and so you have to apply. In the local market, Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies became popular. Today, professionals – be they accountants, developers, software engineers, designers, etc. – with knowledge of cryptocurrencies are highly demanded globally. Since they are so sought after, companies have no problem hiring them in any location in the world. In this line, more and more Argentines decide to leave their traditional jobs and dedicate themselves full time to crypto you can visit to read  What beginners should know about bitcoin. The main benefit offered by these foreign firms is Salaries in dollars that are paid in cryptocurrencies. For their part, Argentine companies also need to hire qualified employees because the local crypto sector is booming.

However, they encounter several obstacles:

On the one hand, there is a shortage of IT professionals in Argentina. On the other hand, there is still a lack of people knowing cryptocurrencies. The last challenge is that in the case of combining at least one of the skills mentioned earlier, the person can work abroad and earn dollars. In this framework, local companies allow their employees to receive a percentage of their salary in stable cryptocurrencies such as USDT, which are kept one-to-one with the US dollar and imitate one of the main benefits offered by foreign firms to compete.

“Paying up to 20% of the worker’s remuneration in cryptocurrencies is legal, taking into account article 107 of the employment contract law that talks about remuneration in money as long as he agrees with the form of payment and it does not cause damage. This is established through an agreement between private parties, and the employee should be aware that this is how the company is going to pay him; and finally, have the opportunity to accept or not,” explains Fernanda Segura, an accountant specializing in cryptocurrencies, in dialogue with this medium.

“By article 107 of the employment contract law, companies can pay 20% of the salary in ‘kinds,’ that is, in cryptocurrencies. It is agreed according to the activity and in an agreement.

Finally, it is essential to note that these local and foreign companies are looking for developers, programmers, technology specialists, and professionals working in human resources, finance and accounting, marketing and sales, product, and more.


  1. Koibanx

The Argentine fintech is dedicated to providing blockchain solutions to the financial system of Latin America.

Today, the company has 25 vacancies that must be filed before June and offers mixed payments; employees can choose to be paid in local currency and USDC, the famous stable. However, people must access it through the social employment network LinkedIn for applying for all vacancies.

  1. Gravel

Argentine fintech Ripio is also looking for employees and wants to hire full-stack developers, DevOps architects, competent contract developers, and gaming-oriented front-end developers. In addition, they have open vacancies for UX designers, researchers, recruiters, analysts, content generators, and more. To apply, click on this link. Meanwhile, they offer extended vacations, paid lunches, licenses, and English courses as benefits. As for salaries, Ripio refused to comment on whether or not he pays in cryptocurrencies.

What’s driving Musk to sell Tesla Stock?

In November 2021, Twitter users could command Elon Musk’s investments — at least a little. In a vote, his approximately 63 million followers should decide whether the richest man in the world should sell a tenth of his Tesla shares. The survey ran for 24 hours, and 3.5 million people took part. Almost 58 percent said Musk should sell the Tesla securities.

Is it just a joke by the e-car pioneer, who sometimes treats himself to a joint while recording podcasts? No, the Tesla boss complied with the vote. In the previous days, he sold 4.5 million shares. On Friday evening, he followed up, putting more shares worth almost $ 690 million on the market. He put the vote in the context of tax avoidance. There are no taxes on unrealized, unrealized stock gains, a regulation that Musk has been happy to benefit from so far. The Tesla boss pays himself neither salary nor bonuses. Tesla shares make up a large part of his estimated fortune of $330 billion – completely tax-free.