
These Are The Apps You Need To Protect Your Privacy In 2021

Internet security norms tend to follow a certain pattern. There is panic around a new threat. Software is released to deal with that threat, while awareness is raised about how to avoid it. People slowly start to get complacent until a new threat comes along.

This has happened with viruses, which internet users used to fear before relying on their computer’s native security and their own savviness. It has happened with passwords, so that now many people don’t even bother to pretend to care about changing it up on different sites. It has happened with the privacy concerns of social media, with many having accepted the intrusion of Facebook and its ilk.

But that complacency has not been earned. More and more people are falling victim to online threats that should have been dealt with years ago. Identity theft has become frighteningly common, and we have much more to lose online today than we did twenty years ago.

At the same time, some of the traditional solutions are no longer effective or necessary. Most antivirus apps are not as effective as Apple’s protection for its devices. Most browsers now offer to create and save complex passwords, so that password managers are becoming defunct.

You don’t just need to have security apps in 2021 – you need to have the right ones. Make sure you have the following apps to secure your privacy.


The importance of a virtual private network (VPN) has been known for over a decade now. And yet, people are still not using VPNs when they browse the internet. If you’re not familiar with the concept, a VPN is an app that routes your connection through an external server, hiding your location and encrypting your data.

Using a VPN is the bare minimum you should be doing to protect your privacy online. Without one, you are open to hacking and surveillance. You may also be prevented from viewing certain websites and information. Download a VPN immediately if you haven’t already.

Identity Theft Protection

A VPN goes a long way to protect you from identity theft. However, it is not foolproof, especially considering that not all of your activity and transactions happen online. Identity theft protection apps protect you where VPNs cannot.

Identity theft protection services, such as MyFICO, keep you safe by alerting you to any activity that happens in regards to your credit. If any of this activity is not performed by you or someone you know, there is reason to be confirmed.

MyFICO will even alert you when your credit score changes and when anyone inquires about your credit score. You get to take action before any real damage is done. Read this review to find out how these services can help protect you.

Privacy Protection

All of our data is constantly up for grabs. In fact, it is not only social media companies that are tracking what we do online. Even apps which seem perfectly safe are likely tracking your behavior to share with advertisers. Apple have recently released an iOS update that asks you whether apps can track your data, but until now they have been doing it anyway.

This is where an app like Lockdown comes in. The word “lockdown” strikes dread into our hearts for a different reason now, but the app doesn’t require any stringent activity on our part. Rather, you can leave it running on your phone and it will block apps trying to track your behavior. It will also show you exactly which apps have tried to track you and what they are trying to track.

Once you’ve used it for an hour or two, you will be shocked at just how much the app has picked up. This privacy protection is necessary in today’s world, and downloading an app that does the job should be a no-brainer.

Tweet Control

If you use Twitter a lot, you are putting endless data out there about yourself. Even in the most inane tweet, there is data about where you and possibly even what you are doing. Google and other services use this information to personalize adverts for you, and your privacy is constantly at stake.

Tweet control apps like Jumbo ensure that there is never an excess of information about you coming straight from your Twitter account. You can even set it to delete old tweets, which can come in handy these days (especially if you regret not keeping your mouth shut when you were younger!).

Social media is a constant privacy threat and we all-too-often give it more access than is responsible. Protecting yourself is vital if you are to maintain control over your own data. As we get deeper and deeper into a world with weak privacy boundaries, using the right software is crucial.