7 Ways to Write a Great Android Application Description

Android application description is one of the essential elements that the users see while going through the app store. If it’s a compelling and attractive one that fits the user needs, he/she will surely download and use it.
Writing a compelling app description seems like a tiny task, but actually, it’s not. There is a lot of research involved in a successful android application description. You can only place a good app description if you are familiar with your audience’s needs and behaviors.
An appealing android application description consists of some important factors. These factors include stating what problems your app is going to solve for the users and how it can prove to be the best for them. So, your primary goal should be to write a good app description that reflects your app title as well as the idea behind it.
Why is Android Application Description Important?
Now you are confident that your app idea is a unique one, and people will love seeing your app on their smartphones. But how can you assure them that it will solve their specific problems or fulfill their needs? Here comes the importance of a clear, concise, and user-focused android application description.
There could be thousands of similar apps on the Play Store, and how your app will stand out from the crowd is what you should focus on. A comprehensive and engaging app description attracts more users and grabs the audience, which ultimately helps you brand your business and generate revenue.
If you have worked hard on your app, and it has the potential to be on the top chart, but things are not going that way, there is definitely something wrong with your app description. Always consider writing a description that reflects what you are selling. If your app is quality-rich, you should place a description which is even more quality-oriented.
Usually, users have less time to focus on the app, and they start to look at the first one or two lines of your app description. If these description lines appeal to them, they continue the reading part, which eventually results in a download. In a nutshell, the android application description is the first thing that impacts your app downloads, and you should focus on it even more than the app development phase.

Ways to Write a Great Android Application Description
A great Android application description is not, which just states what your app is about but a concise piece of mastery itself. It determines if your app is going to be successful or not. Since your app idea is a special and unique one, your app description should also be engaging, concise, and self-describing.
Fortunately, as an industry expert, AppsGeyser has brought some proven ways that will help you achieve the heights of success in the app business. We have analyzed, researched, and even tested various elements to provide you an easy to understand ways to write a perfect Android application description. Let’s jump up to these now.
1. Describe the App
This is the first part of your app description and, surprisingly, the most important one. As we have mentioned earlier that users have very little time to focus on the entire description of any app, you should be able to engage them in that specific duration.
Please don’t go for long sentences that will make their reading experience terrible at first sight. Honestly and concisely describe your app, like if your app reads tarot cards, you can describe it as a Tarot card reading app. In this way, users will get a glimpse of what your app is all about.
If you are solving a specific problem for your users, try to mention it in the first lines of your android application description. In the description, the intro to your app should be one or two liners. Please don’t make it wordy and focus on the central theme of your app.
2. Describe the App Functionalities
After describing the main theme of your app in the first line, here you can describe some of the most important functionalities of your app. In some cases, the audience needs more clarity over what your app is actually offering them. Describing your app functionalities helps a lot in that case and proves to be an efficient way to gain more users.
Why would a user download your app if he/she is unable to understand what is the primary purpose behind your app! So, it would be best if you always considered adding some lines to define the app features. For example, if your app is all about image format conversions, you can define that the users can convert SVG files to PNG format using your app.
App type is also an impactful consideration before making a move towards writing an android application description. If your app is about providing entertainment video services, you can mention which series of videos it is providing. In general, app functionalities should always be described in the description, most preferably after its introductory part.
3. Explain Why Your App Is Unique
What makes your app most distinctive is a vital question that should be answered in your app description. Why would a user even use your app when there are thousands of other similar apps on the market? It should also be addressed in this part.
You may have a feature that other apps don’t have or any value-added functionality that makes you the best choice for them. For example, if you have a camera app empowered by AI sensors, you can mention that your app can take pictures even without pushing any button on the phone. In contrast, other apps on the market cannot provide this unique functionality.
If your app is unique because you are offering some free services, but your competitors are offering similar services with a price tag, then it’s worth mentioning as well. Eventually, it is the most attractive part that every user wants to see. But, try to fulfill those promises that you make in your android application description.
4. Provide a List of Functions
You can also list your app functions so that users can found it easy to go through them. They always prefer reading descriptions with a good readability score. After all, it’s all about the representation of your app. The more effectively you’ll represent your app to the audience, the more they’ll get attracted to it.
For example, if your android app is about online booking of movie tickets, you can list that your app can pre-order the latest movies. In this scenario, users will most likely get engaged in what you are offering and why your app will be the most effective usage of their time.
Basically, your app is a collection of functions, and you should adequately define all of them. Although it’s not always the case to define all of them, a truly new app with features that the users will use for the first time can focus on just the new ones.
5. Attract With a Call to Action
With a sense of urgency, call to action always helps to enhance the user engagement experience. If you embed a call to action into your android application description, it’ll be the best strategy. Providing a calm environment to your audience will make them a bit lazy to do something on your app or even download it from the store.
For instance, you can place a special offer in your app description. In this offer, you can urge users to avail special discount on some features within your app before the weekend. Most likely, users will get involved in your offer, and your app will surely become a trendy one within a short time.
6. Smoothly Insert Keywords
For being on top and a considerable one on the app store, you need to insert some well-researched keywords. You can also get these keywords from the process called App Store Optimization. Overall, it includes searching the most relevant terms that are similar to what your app offers and use them in your Android application description.
Try to use these keywords as naturally and smoothly as possible. Using keywords inappropriately will result in an unfavorable business image. The app store will also detect that you have tried to implement those keywords forcefully. Even users will not consider you as a quality apps provider.
7. Provide a Guarantee
It’s a human psyche that nobody wants to take risks, and if there is a guarantee involved in some attracting apps, they’ll surely buy them. Therefore, you must provide a guarantee to your users in some shape to satisfy and urge them to download your app.
For example, you can offer them a complete refund within 24 hours of app usage if they didn’t like that or found any problem with it. This will attract them towards your app, and they’ll love to download your app with a guarantee.
In a nutshell, developing apps is a challenging task, but representing them in a good way is more important than it. Always use an Android application description that urges users to download your app by using our mentioned ways to get ultimate success in your business.
Have you applied some of our mentioned ways in your app description strategy? Just let us know how your experience was and how soon you got your first success!