App monetization

App Monetization Lifehacks: All About the App Revenue with AppsGeyser

App Monetization Lifehacks
  • I don’t clearly understand the prospects.
  • Why Google Play Store?
  • Does AppsGeyser deceive me?
  • How to calculate my earnings?
  • How much money will I make?

And a million other questions: why? when? how? what? And you know what? It’s absolutely OK!

When people are thinking about creating an app, they face with one of the most common concerns: whether their efforts will pay off. Let us try to dispel any of your doubts about this.

How do I run ads in my app?

To monetize your app made in AppsGeyser (to get revenue from ad impressions while the application is used), it must necessarily be published on the Google Play Store.

How to do this is described in the step-by-step instructions in your AppsGeyser Dashboard. Remember: it’s just a guide, you won’t have published your app clicking its steps, but will have learned how to publish!

Also in this video, you will find a detailed guide to registering the Google Play Developer account and publishing the app on the Google Play Store.

To activate monetization in the app after it was published on Google Play, you need to fill the required forms on the Monetize tab in your AppsGeyser Dashboard. Detailed instructions for setting up the ads in your app: AdMob and MoPub.  Admob being one of the most popular monetization options.

Why should I choose Google Play Store to publish my app?

Only on Google Play Store, you can monetize your app made in AppsGeyser.

Please pay attention: you cannot monetize your AppsGeyser app published in Amazon Appstore, Aptoide, SlideMe, GetJar and others app stores.

More advantages:

google play for android apps
  1. All Android phones come pre-installed with Google Play that’s why consumers have instant access to Google Play apps. 95% Android app installations come from Google Play.
  2. One of the largest and biggest app stores and the most popular store for Android apps and games to date.
  3. Helps you distribute your Android applications to users around the world.
  4. A suite of developer tools that let you analyze installations and identify market trends.
  5. Robust and secure platform! No viruses and malicious software malware threats.
  6. Easy app submission process (look at the video above).

Are there any disadvantages?

Unfortunately, yes. First of all, it’s the big scope of competition. Learn what to do so your app won’t be lost in rankings. And second, there is a one-time $25 registration fee. You need to pay it once and after you can publish unlimited apps.

What are the guarantees that I won’t have wasted my $25 for Google Play account?

AppsGeyser Team is ready to offer you Money Back Guarantee: upload 15 apps on Google Play Store and get back $25 from ads within 30 days or we buy out your Google Developer Account for 30$. Learn more about conditions.

But what are the guarantees that you will not deceive me?

The income distribution system is extremely transparent.

AppsGeyser has determined the rule that ad revenue is divided by 50/50. In other words, we get exactly the same amount of ad impressions as you do. At the same time, the ad network that places the impressions in your app – AdMob or MoPub – is responsible for the revenue accrual, depending on which of these systems you choose.

Yes, you are paid by the advertising network, not by AppsGeyser.

We mean, if you received $50 per week from your apps, then AppsGeyser received the same amount.

App Monetization

How exactly does the 50/50 ad impressions split between AppsGeyser and me?

The impressions distribution in app occurs once every time the app is started. In other words, within one session (usage) of the app, it shows either your ads or AppsGeyser ads. The next time a user starts the app, the distribution of impressions will be performed again.

How to calculate the income from the apps?

The most important thing to understand is that the money is paid for ads impressions, and not for the number of downloads, installations or the number of app users, although, of course, they are important too.

More impressions mean more revenue.

There are also indirect factors that affect the income, the price of the impressions depends on them. 

Let’s look at the main indicators in a little more detail.

In the ad network reports, there are ads impressions. The impression is counted when the advertisement is shown to the user of the ap.

CPM (cost per mille) is the cost per thousand impressions. For example, CPM $1.00 on this ad placement means that the network pays one dollar for 1000 impressions in this placement.

What determines the price?

CPM may depend on various factors. Here are the most important:

  1. Ad format: fullscreen banner (Interstitial ad) is more expensive than a small banner (Banner 320×50).
  2. The location of the app users. For example, impressions to the users in the US is more expensive than to the users in India.

Compare CPM averages by country

(AppsGeyser data for May 2018 from AdMob)

countryBrazilIndiaTurkeyRussiaIranIndonesiaGreat BritainKenyaUSA
fullscreen banner, $1,091,471,351,633,952,439,8311,8619,35
small banner, $0,040,090,550,150,660,110,421,920,73

Well, if I create an app how much money will I make?

making money with android apps

Of course, there is exactly no common figure for all. There are AppsGeyser users, who earn on their applications $100-200 per month. And there are those who earn the same money per week. Our top publishers get revenue from all their applications created in AppsGeyser, up to $6000 per month!

But we can still give a benchmark for the success of your applications — this is the number of installations per day.

According to AppsGeyser statistics, a good app created in AppsGeyser is installed by about 100 users per day, the best apps are installed by 1000 per day.

Let’s try to calculate (we warn: this data is very averaged and given as an example of calculations).

So, take the average data:

  • Each installation of the app gives 8 usages (startings and openings the app on the device)
  • Each use of the app gives 1 impression of a full-screen banner (the same as an interstitial ad, (fs)) and 10 impressions of a small banner (sm).
  • In total, each installation of the application brings (see above CPM data for countries), for example, in India:

(8х1х(1,47$/1000) + 8х10х(0,09$/1000)) / 2 = 0,00948$)

Thus, the app with 100 installations per day will bring $2.5 per day ($75 per month), with 1000 installations — $25 ($750 per month).

Again, this is a very approximate calculation, because the figures may vary several times in both directions. Remember that apps with users in the US bring an order of magnitude greater income than, for example, in India.

But can I influence that?

Of course!

Your income really depends on your efforts and knowledge.

App Monetization

And AppsGeyser Team is ready to help you with it all the time.

So that you could create a successful app, promote it, increase the number of users, we created a special free Marketing video course, which explained in detail the principles of coming up with an idea for a good app, creating its description, circumventing competitors, etc. (subtitles are available in Russian, Hindy, Indonesian and English).

In addition, we update our blog and the Appsgeyser Knowledge Base weekly! There you can find answers to all your questions about creating, publishing and monetizing apps. If you did not find what you were looking for, you can always write to us at Support, Telegram or Messenger, and we will personally respond to you as quickly as possible.

And here’s our first piece of advice. To get significant revenue, you need to create a lot of apps. The chances that only one or even five of your apps will fire are negligible. And remember: you have all possibilities to raise the number of your apps installations from hundreds per day to a thousand.

Where and how can I see my revenue from apps?

You can launch ads in your apps either on AdMob or on MoPub. AdMob brings the most money, and we recommend creating an account on this network. MoPub we suggest considering as an alternative.

If you don’t have an account yet, check out our detailed instructions on how to create one:



AdMob reporting

You need the Reports tab. There you will see total income and how much each application earned during the period of your choice.

monetize your app with adbmob

We look at two key indicators:

  • Estimated earnings — a preliminary amount, which is an estimate of how much the application has earned. This amount is an estimate that is subject to change when your earnings are verified for accuracy at the end of every month.
  • Impression RPM (the same as CPM) — the price for 1000 impressions of the ad unit. Impression RPM doesn’t represent how much an ad actually earned; rather, it’s calculated by dividing estimated earnings by the number of impressions received, then multiplying by 1000.

By the way, here you can learn how to create a personal account in AdMob and set up ad units.

MoPub reporting

You need the Marketplace tab. Like in AdMob, here you will see total income and how much each application earned during the period of your choice.

monetize your app with mopub

Two indicators are also of interest here:

  • Revenue (Estimated earnings in AdMob)
  • ECPM (Impression RPM in AdMob)

If you are not familiar with MoPub yet, check out our full guide on creating an account and instructions on launching advertising on this platform.

Have questions? Ask, we will help you to find the answers!