
Create Coloring Book Android App Game Today In 7 Steps

Create Coloring Book Android App Game

Mobile phone games and games that are suitable for mobile tablets are big news in today’s society, wherever you go you will see someone clicking away, swiping at their screen totally engaged with their device and in their game. To help you capture this audience and enhance your app usage ratio AppsGeyser has introduced a range of Android app game templates for you to use.

Today we are looking at a way in which you can bring some fun to your app through a simple coloring app. Children as young as two years old are now being given phones and mobile devices to play on, many educational app games are popping up to capture this emerging audience. This coloring app allows you to capture this young audience, it is an app that parents can download for free and happily let their child play.

Making a coloring Android app game in 7 simple steps:

1. First click on create app

create android app for free
Create Android App Game

2. Choose the template that you wish, in this case the coloring template

Choose Coloring App Game Template
Choose Coloring App Game Template

3. Click Coloring template app button

4. Upload your black and white image from your computer.

Upload image to your coloring Android app game
Upload image to your coloring Android app game

5. If you do not have images, do a google search for ‘pictures to color in’

6. Complete the relevant information – app name and description

Create Android App Game Name and Description
Create Android App Game Name and Description

7. Click Create to build your app

Click Create Coloring Book Android game

Congratulations,  you have now created your first coloring Android app game. If you wish to edit your app further after you have created your app go to the edit tab and click on advanced edit. There you can add your Android app description. Now your app is ready to be published on Google Play or any other app maket.

We wish you luck and would love to see your coloring Android app game.