Definitive Guide To Choosing Name For Your Android App

Naming an app is almost similar to naming a child. In anticipation of our arrival, most of us were named even before we existed. It is our name that marks our identity. Our name is something that makes us stand out in the list of many names. And once we are named, then we will be followed by that particular name throughout our lives. Often people heard our name before they even meet us. So our name introduces us to the people of the world. The same is the case with naming an android app. The name you assign to your app today will follow your brand for the rest of your life. And like your name, there are certain chances that some potential app users might hear the name of your app before they use your app. So the name will be there to leave the first impression on the users about your app. To make an impression strong enough that it will drag the users to your app, you must work seriously on naming your app.
Naming a child is not a difficult task but naming an app is for sure a challenge for you. And it must be taken as a challenge which you should accomplish. Because your app’s name will establish its identity among other countless apps in the android marketplace. Naming an app is itself a difficult job for the app developers like they cannot just pull a name out of thin air and then expect it to be a big hit. You may create a great app but if you fail to name your app appropriately then your app will be of no use. Naming an app is not easy even if it sounds so. If you name your app effectively then you will be able to separate your app from other apps and make it unique.
Till yet you have understood how important thing is to name your app. The question is how are you supposed to do that efficiently? How will you give your app a name like Google, Facebook, and twitter that will stick perfectly with your creation? To have your answers to these and many more questions regarding naming your app, you need to read this article. We have come up with a list of things that you must keep in mind while naming your app. The sole purpose of this article is to inspire you enough so that you will name your app that really represents your app purpose.
Here are some tips we want you to look for while choosing a name for your android app:
Choose a Searchable Name
While naming your app you must keep it in mind that there are numbers of users who search app by using keywords. If you want your app to be found in organic searches, then you must consider using a keyword tool. It is said that almost 63% of smartphone users discover apps by using keywords. Therefore, such a large portion of people uses keywords to locate apps. It would be a wise decision on your part to choose a name for your app that aligns with the keywords being searched by several people. For knowing what keywords people mostly search for, you can use a keyword tool such as Google Adwords. This will help you by highlighting the keywords that are recently being searched by the users.
Reflect App’s Core Feature
Most of the app developers name their apps based on their function. Like what their app does, and they add it into its name. We can have many examples to look at. For Example, messenger, the name shows this app must be about messaging or texting. Then we have Netflix which has to do something with the videos. Your app should be named in a way that the users get an idea of your app just by looking at its name or icon. For example, Instagram, now the point of the app is not clear from its name but when the users look at the camera icon they understand that this app deals with photos. Your app’s name or icon is the thing through which users will judge your app. Not all the time they will go and open your app description to see what it has to offer. It’s the name of your app which must define the core feature which your app is offering to the users. Also, don’t get too clever while naming your app. Complicated things are difficult for users to comprehend. Go with simple and easy words. It will be helpful for the consumers to decipher what the app is all about. Apps with irrelevant names always face the user’s dismissal. Naming your app upon the core features of your app will give you major advantages.
Keep the Name Shorter
It is not possible for the users to remember an app with a long name. While naming your app keep this thing in your focus. You need to give a good name to your app and not a long one. Opt for a name that has minimal characters. So this would help users and they will easily memorize the name. Apps like Skype and Snapchat etc have a smaller number of words, such short names are very easy to keep in mind. Short and precise app names are not only easy to remember but it also becomes easy for the consumers to communicate them while suggesting it to their pals.
If you think that a keyword having over one million views per week is good for your app, then you should think twice. If you use a keyword that has a lot of competition then it will prove counter-productive. The reason is that when you will type that keyword into a search, all the competitors will be shown immediately. We advise you to go with the competition rating within AdWords before you decide which words you are going to opt for, for your app’s name. This will be helpful to you.
Try Again
There is nothing in this world so easy that you get the hang of it in just one attempt. You need constant effort to achieve your goal. Naming an app is no different in this respect. It requires consistency and determination and a spirit of never giving up. It’s not like in a moment you will think of an app name and the second moment your app will get famous with that name. When you are about to publish your app try with several app names. And see which of them is trending more in searches. You must be ready to test several names before you get to that one perfect name for your brand.
Get the Right Opinions
This is not written anywhere that you and only you have to name your app. It’s obvious that your app is your creation and you must name it but it won’t be of any harm if you go for people’s opinion. You may have many good ideas which you have already brainstormed but asking others won’t hurt too rather it will be of much help. So you must seek some advice before you get your app published. And who other than your family would be more honest in giving reviews about the names which you have thought of? They obviously being a third party will not have any competition with your app and so they would be honest in guiding you for the right and perfect name. Also, they may give you some fresh perspective of something that you have not considered earlier. Other than your family you can find people in your circle of developers who have a good taste in naming apps to give you some advice about the names which you have placed on top of the list.
By following the tips, we have mentioned above you will succeed in naming your app with a name that will be easy and catchy at the same time. Another thing you must keep in mind is to create the same name, logo, and icon of your app for all the websites and social media. While giving a name to your app try to avoid spelling mistakes and use of extra letters. This will make it hard for the users to locate your app. If you are having any difficulty in deciding which name you should go with, ask your friends or people who you can trust. Your app must have a name that sets the right tone, makes the purpose of your app clear, and the name which proves to be helpful in getting your app marketed. All of the things we have already mentioned are of great importance. The most important thing is that you must make sure your app sounds as good as the name of your app. Because you will do a lot of hard work while choosing the right name for your app but if your app would not be as good as its name then it will cause great disappointment to the users.