How to get subscribers for your telegram channel – boost subscribers on your TG channel

Telegram channels are getting more and more popular. The benefits of them are obvious: based on popular messenger, users can easily combine personal communication and all useful and fun content in one place, high engagement rate and growing popularity of Telegram. Today the most popular Telegram channels have more than 3 million subscribers… But how to grow your channel to this large scale?
There is the list of the Top 10 ways how to get Telegram members. And by combining some of them you may get to great results. Or use the bonus point, buy real members from us:
10 Best Ways to Get Telegram Members for your Channel or Group
1. Add members – friends and friends of your friends
You can add 200 first Telegram Channel members for free from your own contacts. Once the limit of 200 is reached, this possibility is automatically off. But you can still share your channel in private messages with your contacts and ask your friends to spread your link to their friends. Some good networking can boost 200-300 members in your channel within a few days.
Pros: absolutely free Telegram members, easiest way to add first members, great for a start.
Cons: a limited number of members, not possible to grow a big channel, not targeted subscribers (your friends are there just to support your new beginning and with time they will probably leave it).
2. Advertising in People’s Telegram Direct Chat
Another way to attract people to a group or channel is to send a direct message containing an invitation link to the target group or channel. Note that in order to increase the chances of attracting an audience, you had better send messages to people who you know are somehow related to your group or channel topic and are interested in the field.
For example, you can find a group that is involved in the same field as yours and send direct messages to this group members. However, to send messages in bulk, you need a tool that can extract the username of the group members and send them the desired message; an example of such a tool is the v-User Telegram Bulk Sender. For more information, you can refer to the v-User website
Pros: sending automatic ads, creating a list of people who are interested in your business field, saving time, permanent use with one-time pay
Cons: only on Windows, no mobile application
3. Promotion on Social media
Use Social media for your Telegram channel promotion: share links on Quora, Facebook Pages, Instagram, or jump on trending TikTok. Use your own communities, create new ones or ask small influencers to help you.
Pros: free.
Cons: takes a lot of time and effort to spread your links, high competition, no guarantees to get any members.
4. Participate in chat groups
It’ easy to find chat groups on Telegram related to your channel’s topic, that’s why there is a chance being an active participant and sharing your channel link can gain new followers for you. Apart from groups from your niche, there are special groups for Telegram promotion, where everyone exchanges their links.
Pros: free.
Cons: least effective method: probably you will be banned and get a bad reputation for spamming, low chances to get even a few members.
5. Cross-promotion
Once the Channel reaches more than 5000 members, there are chances that other channels (of the same size) will agree to do a cross-promotion. Two channels promote each other and basically exchange followers between each other. The best scenario is to cross-promote channels from close niches (best deals for fashion + best deals for electronics; soccer betting tips + basketball betting tips, etc).
Pros: it’s free.
Cons: no guarantees to get members, not suitable for small and new channels, hard to find good channels for cross-promo.
6. Telegram Channel catalogs
Another way to get members for your channel or group is to be posted in catalogs. There are more than 50 catalog websites you can get into. One of the most famous and biggest is Tgstat.
Pros: free, people can outreach your channel through Google search.
Cons: a small percentage of people use catalogs, not suitable for fast and big growth, high competition between similar channels.
7. Paid promotions in Telegram channels
One of the most popular ways to promote channels and get genuine members. The idea is to pay admins to get posted for 1-24 hours in their channels. The price of publication depends on 1) the duration of your promotion 2) the size of the channel where you want to get promoted. One promotional post brings from 0 to 500 new users on average, and these results depend on your ad content, call to action, channel content, activity in the channel where you promote. It takes strategic thinking to understand in what promotion you should invest, the outcome is unpredictable.
Pros: genuine and targeted members.
Cons: costly, no guarantees to get members (you can easily waste money and get 0 new followers), the possibility of being scammed (you can pay someone to add Telegram members in your channel and will get bots in return), slow process (getting to 10k members can take years).
8. Targeted advertising
Another option of paid promotion and extracting members for a telegram group is to use Facebook ads. The huge variety of settings may allow you to target your audience with 100% accuracy.
Pros: genuine and targeted members.
Cons: can be really costly, big chance to fail, you need to understand how Facebook Ads work or to hire a specialist (and trust us, it’s no an easy thing to learn).
9. Buy bots
Going from 0 to 40,000 members in one day? It’s easy if you add fake Telegram members. Bots are not real follower or even people, they are users generated by special software. Basically, there is no use from these members (they won’t view your posts, won’t buy your products), but they increase the actual number of your followers. In return, it can attract real users to join (new subscribers better join big channels, not small ones). But there is one huge problem: Telegram deletes these members. If you have 40,000 followers today, it doesn’t mean tomorrow you will still have them.
Pros: cheap, fast growth, a great choice if you look just for a big number.
Cons: inactive and useless users, all of them will be deleted at any time
10. Buy real Telegram members
There are online services where everyone can buy real Telegram members. This method keeps advantages of bots (fast growth, reasonable price, guarantees – you pay for what you get) and paid advertising (real people).
Pros: fast promotion, real users, less expensive than paid advertising, guarantees (if you pay for 1000 members, you will get 1000 followers).
Cons: more expensive than bots, can be not targeted.
Conclusion: these are the main methods to increase followers in Telegram channels and group. But before jumping into action, you have to think about your channel and what value do you bring to people. Even good Telegram promotion tools won’t help, if you provide inconsistent and low-quality content. So, what are the key factors to the success? Branding (name, description, logo), high-quality, unique and useful content, consistent publications (without spamming, keep it simple, don’t post more than 10 times a day).
How to buy real Telegram members?
AppsGeyser offers Real Members for Telegram Channels and Groups, who are ready to engage with any content, products, and services. Providing subscribers from any country: India, Nigeria, Kenya, USA, Europe, Malaysia, and others. Fast delivery – from 1 to 3 days to get 1000 members. In case some participants drop channels, we will add telegram members for free. Live support at any stage of promotion.
Get more Telegram followers, increase your channel & grow your business performance with us.
Frequently Asked Questions
u003cemu003eHow to get subscribers on Telegram?u003c/emu003e
1. Add members manually from your contact listu003cbr/u003e2. Promote on Social mediau003cbr/u003e3. Participate in chat groups, forumsu003cbr/u003e4. Cross-promoteu003cbr/u003e5. Join Telegram Channel catalogsu003cbr/u003e6. Get Paid promotions in Telegram channelsu003cbr/u003e7. Targeted advertising on Facebook or Googleu003cbr/u003e8. Buy botsu003cbr/u003e9. Buy real telegram members
u003cemu003eHow to promote Telegram channel for free?u003c/emu003e
Add members manually, share links on social media and forums, cross-promote, join catalogs.
u003cemu003eHow to get free Telegram subscribers?u003c/emu003e
To get Telegram subscribers for free, you can invite members from contact list, share links with friends, on Facebook, websites, forums, catalogs and cross-promote with other channel owners.
u003cemu003eCan you buy Telegram members?u003c/emu003e
Yes, you can buy real and fake Telegram members. Fake members are not active users but they are cheaper. Meanwhile, real members are more expansive, bu these are real users with activity.
u003cstrongu003eu003cemu003eHow to buy real Telegram members?u003c/emu003eu003c/strongu003e
To buy Telegram members, click the Get Telegram Members, start the Telegram bot, choose in the menu a country targeting, package and payment mode.