
How to Make Android 15 Puzzle Game within Minutes

AppsGeyser gives you free templates of your favorite games, which can create massive revenue and audience for you. AppsGeyser templates are trending top because they are easy to make, interesting, user-friendly, and fun.

These are also the methodology that you should follow as a game developer while creating your first game or every game. The number one rule of creating a game is that game should not be boring. It should not be too tough that person playing cannot just get it.

Making a user-friendly game will lead you to more people downloading your app. The more the hits from download, the more you will be the talk of the town. 

What is the Need of 15 Puzzle Game?

Make Android 15 Puzzle Game

Nowadays, brands try to produce a product that will do the marketing of their brand itself. Nobody follows the unconventional and traditional ways of marketing anymore. World of business is developing and getting smarter day by day.

Marketing strategies have also changed. The best way to do marketing of your game is to make an awesome app. Users will love it and tell others on social media platforms, and this is how your product is doing its marketing. 

AppsGeyser allows you to make 15 puzzle game within 5 minutes. 15 puzzle game is for Android users, and this is a sliding puzzle game which lets your user move tiles and solve the original images. You can make 15 puzzle game in AppsGeyser in easy steps and within minutes.

15 puzzle game is addictive and challenges user decision making power. People love to put themselves in the challenging condition and that exactly this puzzle game offers.

It engages users, and users try to do the puzzle every time right. This makes this app interesting and addictive. 

The most exciting thing about AppsGeyser is that you don’t need to follow any extensive or complicated ways to develop a game. Our templates make things more effortless for you.

All you have to do is just make a game in easy steps and distribute them to the audience. We don’t demand any coding from you, but we do allow you to customize your app.

How to Customize 15 Puzzle Games?

People who always have dreamt of developing a game of their own wants to create their fascinating ideas, and we understand it. AppsGeyser allows you to customize your app by uploading images of your own choice.

You can upload a picture, and people will try to solve that puzzle. You can add as many images as you want. We also give you the option to delete the picture if you change your mind. You can add more images then one.

AppsGeyser provides versatility and strives to provide the best. Your app will be customized by you, and it would be your own creation. Make 15 puzzle game by your own given images at AppsGeyser and enjoy the hype.

How to Find a Niche for Your Mobile App?

This is an easy question. People often are confused about what should be the niche of their mobile app. We have some tips for you, which can increase your success rate. You can make an app for your social group or your language group.

Start with a small targeted audience, and it gives your app more chances to be popular. This is a trick to success to start from small. You can find various niches that are free from huge players on the app market. In this way, you can make a great mobile app for your social group. 

Step by Step Guide to Make 15 Puzzle Game:

In this article, we are giving you step by step guide on how to make 15 puzzle game. The most popular and addictive mobile game app which lets the user stick to their phones for a longer time. 

1. Create a 15 Puzzle Game App

If you are ready to make 15 puzzle game app then click on this link, it will lead you to the main page. You will find a phone for a preview on the right side. You can easily track your changes on the app while making a 15-puzzle game. 

2. App Settings

App settings show you the option of customizing your game by adding images of your choice. You can add as many images as you want. You can make the game more interesting by adding your images and giving it your imagination.

People tend to create their art and make 15 puzzle game app from AppsGeyser and get well-deserved success and popularity. This platform gives you the chance to prove your strengths. After adding certain images, you will hit the “Next” button.

Open Android 15 Puzzle Game Template and customize it

3. App Name

Next, you will have the option to decide a name for your app. Make sure that you come up with some intriguing app name. The app name should also depict the theme of your app and also make it interesting for users to play it immediately. Give this part some time and brainstorm.

When you have an ideal name for your app. Give it a name and click on the “Next” button.

Name Android 15 Puzzle Game

4.  App Icon

The game icon is the representation of your mobile game app. AppsGeyser gives you two options, one is the default icon, and the other is custom. You can select a custom icon if you don’t want to go with the default icon. 

Upload an Icon for 15 Puzzle App

5. Create the App

Here you go, who would’ve thought that you can make your own customized mobile game just within 5 minutes, right? Well, AppsGeyser is always there to rescue you and provide you with amazing technological opportunities like this. Hit the “Create” button and enjoy the perks of your own game app.

Create Android 15 Puzzle Game

Why are Free Android App Templates so Popular?

Android App templates of AppsGeyser are popular for so many reasons. The number one is that it is totally free templates that let you create the magic of your imagination into games.

Secondly, AppsGeyser user-friendly games help the game creator in the long run. You must be wondering how it can help the game maker?

It helps the game maker in various ways:

Brand Visibility

By making 15 puzzle game, you can show your brand to various people. 15 Puzzle game allows you to choose images of your choice. Then, you can take advantage of it and choose this marketing strategy.

For example, you can introduce your game to the people with your own brand image and give a small giveaway on whoever solves the puzzle.

You can brainstorm many ideas to market your brand through a game. Huge brands like Mcdonalds have recently developed a game. It offers a free burger to the people who solve the puzzle. This is the power of games if done right. 

Increase in Revenue

When your puzzle game app is doing brilliantly in the audience, expect that people will be curious about your brand. They will try to explore your brand. What is your brand about?

What does your brand offer? Which brand has such an intrigued idea of the game app? People’s curiosity will lead to your sales velocity going up high. There are many other methods to gain decent revenue from the app.

  • Advertisement
  • Business 
  • Monetization

 More download hits, more monetization. People will use your app for a longer time; playing a puzzle game gives you the edge of making more money. When your app is doing going in the ranking, small business will come to you for ads. You can show their ads on your ap and charge for advertising. 

User Loyalty

You can build a relationship of loyalty and trust through an app. Users tend to like the idea of the game app when they think that certain business is doing more than it is required to make the consumer happy. If you already have a business, it would be the right time for you to make 15 puzzle game app for your consumer.

By making a 15 puzzle game, you will prove your audience that you try to stay updated in the marketplace. This leads to a greater impact on your business to the consumers. 

Is 15 Puzzle Game Complex to Play?

No, 15 puzzle game is a user-friendly and easy game to play. While making an app at AppsGeyser, we give you a live preview of your app so you can understand how easy and fun the game is. The 15-Puzzle game app can be played almost by everyone.

It is not audience-specific. You can make 15 puzzle game app in easy steps and show it to your friends. AppsGeyser templates are extremely easy to use, and 150puzzle games let you create a puzzle of your own chosen image. That specific image is separated into 15 squares that are mixed around and need to be rearranged into the original photo.

The trick is to give a slightly complicated image to the user, so he takes some time to solve the puzzle. AppsGeyser Android App templates are full of fun and easy as a pie.