Mobile apps


Important Things To Consider When Developing A Mobile App

App development is a complex field. It is, however, a highly profitable and absolutely vast industry. Before diving headfirst into the development of an app, professionals need to do some careful planning and make some careful considerations. Here are some of the most important things to consider before and during your mobile application development.  Security […]

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The Easiest Video Making Application on PC

According to statistics, the number of people reaching and interacting with videos will reach over 80% compared to regular images or content. Therefore, people often publish and use videos to widely promote an issue. So what software will make our videos more attractive? Here are the easiest video creation apps on PC. Proshow Gold Proshow […]

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Why Do You Need A VPN For Gaming?

Are you an avid gamer? Or maybe you’re insatiable when it comes to playing new games for PC.  But there’s a term that is quite unsung in the gaming industry— a VPN. Yes, VPN or virtual private network has become popular over the years, but it’s still a new term in the gaming community. People […]

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How Did The Bitcoin Protocol Work?

Countless research studies have been conducted to clarify cryptocurrency worldwide, self money, and its uses and benefits. Unfortunately, most of those papers provide a cursory overview of the basic encrypted technology, skipping over many vital aspects. Even those publications that go into more depth tend to skim over important topics. The purpose of this article […]

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Things to Consider during eCommerce Website Development

If you want to get the best out of your eCommerce website, you must consider many factors before its development. These factors will determine the success of the project and how well the website will represent your brand and drive user engagement.  Remember, the purpose of your eCommerce website is to expand your reach and […]

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Создать приложение с нуля – Шаг 4: Публикация приложения

Я думаю вы готовы опубликовать наше первое приложение на Google Play. Что для этого нужно? Поехали… 1. Войдите в GooglePlay: нажмите здесь –  Вы можете использовать существующий Gmail аккаунт для логина. 2. Следуйте инструкциям для осуществления платежа в $25 с вашей кредитной карты 3. Как только вы попали в дашборд, нажмите на кнопку “add new […]

Posted by Martynov