Mobile apps


Twitter Vs Instagram For Social Media Supremacy

Social Media Supremacy is a heated debate. And, that’s how it has been since the time both became competitors. Right now, these two companies kind of co-exist. Twitterites go for full-scale hashtag battles over this. Instagrammers post memes on this topic daily roasting Twitter. Today we will put the battle of Twitter Vs Instagram to […]

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Android Uygulama Oluşturma ve Alternatif Uygulama Dağıtım Yöntemleri

Tüm hafta boyunca uygulamaların dağıtımının ne kadar önemli olduğundan bahsettik, uygulamanızın satılmasını kolaylaştırmak için diğer platformlar üzerinde banner ve video reklamlarının nasıl kullanılacağı konusunu ele aldık. Bir uygulama oluşturmak istiyorsanız, uygulamanızın müşteriler tarafından indirilmesinin sağlanması çok önemlidir, diğer avantajlarının yanında bir reklâmı kullanarak uygulamayı dağıtmak oldukça popüler bir satış yöntemidir. Bugün ise, alternatif uygulama dağıtım […]

Posted by Martynov

How To Keep Safe Your Data On Android Mobile

We’ve held much intimate knowledge on our smartphones these days, so, only as a direct consequence, they learn a bunch from us. Through our position and connections to our favorite places and activities, we gladly trade a little of that knowledge for easy resources by companies such as Google and others. However, there are many less diligent […]

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Important Things To Consider When Developing A Mobile App

App development is a complex field. It is, however, a highly profitable and absolutely vast industry. Before diving headfirst into the development of an app, professionals need to do some careful planning and make some careful considerations. Here are some of the most important things to consider before and during your mobile application development.  Security […]

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The Easiest Video Making Application on PC

According to statistics, the number of people reaching and interacting with videos will reach over 80% compared to regular images or content. Therefore, people often publish and use videos to widely promote an issue. So what software will make our videos more attractive? Here are the easiest video creation apps on PC. Proshow Gold Proshow […]

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Why Do You Need A VPN For Gaming?

Are you an avid gamer? Or maybe you’re insatiable when it comes to playing new games for PC.  But there’s a term that is quite unsung in the gaming industry— a VPN. Yes, VPN or virtual private network has become popular over the years, but it’s still a new term in the gaming community. People […]

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