Mobile apps


Best Android Apps by Content Arcade

Many app developing companies are providing amazing applications on the play store. In this post, we will tell you about some of the best applications developed by content arcades.  Content arcade is one of the most famous and innovative IT companies in the world. The company is not only famous for its android/iOS applications. Still, […]

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Top 10 Security Tips for Your WooCommerce Stores

WooCommerce store owners should make security a top priority. Proper WooCommerce security will protect customers’ data from cyber breaches and ensure that the business runs smoothly without being stopped by hackers. WooCommerce stores usually hold large data repositories that could be stolen within minutes.  Usually, WooCommerce websites are built with security in mind. However, the […]

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Niche Apps Yield Big Results – AppsGeyser Android App Review

AppsGeyser provides a range of app making tools for app makers and listen to their customers suggestions. Earlier on this year, in 2012, the idea of creating a niche app tool was raised up by one of our customers. A niche app is an app that combines five app tools in the same app tool […]

Posted by Anastasiya

Personalizing Your Android App – Secret Scripts Revealed

How exciting, you are getting your business moving into the mobile world and have started to create an app for your company. Things are starting to look great. Getting a simple app, using the tools provided by Appsgeyser, is easy, all you need to do is click on create an app, choose your app template […]

Posted by Anastasiya

Hacer una app de Android y aprender métodos de distribución de apps

Toda la semana hemos estado hablando de la importancia de la distribución de las apps, hemos visto cómo puede usar anuncios de banner y de vídeo en otras plataformas para ayudar a promocionar su app. Si desea crear una app de Android, entonces conseguir que la gente se descargue su app es muy importante y […]

Posted by Martynov

Cloud-based technologies as an educational tool

Cloud-based technologies represent computer resources and capacities that are delivered to the user as an Internet service. The essence of cloud-based technologies is to provide hosting users with remote access to services, computing resources and applications via the Internet. Compared to the traditional approach, cloud services allow managing larger infrastructures, serve different groups of users […]

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