Mobile apps


How to Make an app like Skype for Video-Calling?

Lately, video calling apps faced one of the biggest breakouts in the app histor industry. Due to COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns, people had to start using video-calling apps for their work and personal use. These apps are Skype, Hangouts, Zoom, Meet, FaceTime, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and other. Along with top performers like Skype, Hangouts, Zoom, […]


Key Mobile App Development Trends to Follow

Every year, programmers develop new mobile applications using the latest technologies. Whether it’s regular last seen trackers or a mobile game, app creators try to innovate at every stage of development. Improvements in smartphone technology and fast Internet access are leading to people spending more and more time online these days. The latest technology trends, […]


6 Ways to Improve App Retention Rate

Poor app retention rate? Most of the app makers go through this phase after making their app but not maintaining it. AppsGeyser app makers get excited when they make their first app from the amazing free templates but maintaining the app is the most crucial part. Your job is not done just by making an […]


Customize Android App with AppsGeyser

You always wanted to create your app and also made this dream come true by making your first App on AppsGeyser. AppsGeyser just doesn’t allow you to create an app but also gives you the option to customize the android app with your own choice.  You can learn the AppsGeyser dashboard to personalize your app […]


How to Fix Android App without Getting Panic

Sometimes Android app just doesn’t work. The error is a bit annoying, and you cannot comprehend what exactly went wrong? If you are an app developer, then you must have gone through this issue, and you must be thinking about how to fix this error? Sometimes when you develop an app, there are problems that […]
