Mobile apps


Time to Make Money and Charge for App Downloads?

AppsGeyser is the perfect app making platform to start your app career on the right path. This platform gives you the tools to make a free Android app without having to code anything. To build an app with AppsGeyser you do not need any technical knowledge. All you need to do is choose a template, upload your content […]


How to Get Inneractive Ad Code to Monetize an App

We’ve discussed the different ways of using the AppsGeyser Monetize banner space. We’ve given you instructions for how to work with AdMob. Now, we’re going to give you instructions for how to work with Inneractive, because it’s always good to have more than one way to utilize a particular option. Usually, Inneractive likes to give […]


Zip Archives Make Apps Available Offline

AppsGeyser recently added a new feature. Now you can upload a .zip archive. Sounds good, doesn’t it? Well, OK, maybe it would sound better if we explained what that means. Up until we added this feature (and the new document feature that we also added fairly recently), AppsGeyser apps only worked properly if the mobile […]


Simple HTML Codes to Help You Build Android Apps

Many of you are looking to create an app that can be made available off line but do not wish to upload a complete zip archive file that involves some serious coding. Well, AppsGeyser’s Android app builder platform has many different templates for your to use, one of which is the most simple coding option […]


Get the Image Right – Create an Android Tablet App

The mobile device industry is showing no signs of slowing down, in fact if anything it is steaming full steam ahead with the sales of mobile phones and mobile tablets being sold all over the world in the hundreds and thousands. Are AppsGeyser apps tablet friendly? The apps that have been created with AppsGeyser are […]
