
How to Make Your App Go Viral Instantly

How to Make Your App Go Viral

You are here because you have developed an awesome app, and you want to make it go viral as soon as possible, but wait a minute! There are some requirements for it because every success demands some sort of effort. The same goes for app development and marketing.

After over a decade of experience in the app development world, the AppsGeyser has the proven answer to your question of how to make your app go viral instantly. Our product experts have done comprehensive research on this topic and found out some super proven ways.

There are different aspects that your app, as well as your app business, should have in order to make your app successful in a short time. You might have also experienced various mobile apps in your life, which you would have shared with your friends or family. We are going to talk about the same pattern and how it actually happens. So, let’s start out!

How Making Your App Viral Can Help You?

Your app business has a goal to achieve the maximum number of downloads and app installs. Ultimately, you want a good amount of money after you have put all your efforts into making your dream app. But, app business success comprises of many things.

One of the most effective ways to engage ultimate audiences and make big money is to make your app go viral. When your app gets viral, every user shares your app within their friends and family circle, which eventually increases the number of users.

When the number of your app users increases, like globally, there are a lot of opportunities for you to earn money. You will get the following benefits when your app gets viral.

  • Increased Business Reputation: Your app doesn’t only generate your revenue, but it also increases your app business reputation. When your business branding gets away into the user’s mind, they will install every app under the banner of your business name. This is a dream of every app business to get its name on the audience’s mind every time they search for an app from the app stores. Luckily, you will be the one who could benefit from this great opportunity.
  • Increased User Engagement: When your app gets viral, user engagement will get a boost. Almost every app user will want to use your app as much as possible because it will be trending. Everyone will want to get the most out of your app. It will make you enable to get your users in the direction you want. You will have a great audience on which you test various features as well.
  • Marketing Opportunities: App marketing has always been a challenging task because it comprises of so many factors. But the good news is when your app will go viral, you can market your app in almost every possible way. Your marketing hurdles will automatically get eliminated because of your app and business reputation. The audience will be admiring your app and always looking out to hearing from you.
  • Increased User Trust: In your entire app business, the only thing you need the most is the audience’s trust. When you get it, no one can stop you from being successful because the audience will be with you, and that’s what our ultimate goal is. The trust of your users will make almost all of your apps successful because everyone has different needs.
  • Money-Making Ways: When you have answered how to make your app go viral, you will see that the revenue generation process will get a boost. This is because you will have a lot of opportunities to make money through your viral apps. Paid advertisements can also be said as one of the efficient ways to make money through your app. Still, if no one clicks them, you will get paid by showing them to your versatile audience.

Ways to Make Your App Go Viral

After thorough research and analysis, AppsGeyser has found some of the most effective ways to make your app go viral instantly. It seems to be a tricky thing to make your app a viral and trending one, but it’s not. With proper efforts, you can achieve your ultimate goal of having your app on the top charts. Without any delay, let’s see these proven ways to make your app go viral.

1. Focus on the Quality of Your App

The quality of your app is one of the most crucial aspects which cannot be denied. The reason why it is the most important is that users will ultimately observe the quality of an app. If the quality is good, there are a lot of chances that the users will install and use the app.

There are a lot of competitors on the app market, and your app will also have some of these. Competing them can only happen if you are expressing quality in each aspect of your app. The first step to make your app go viral is to make your app quality-rich.

Most of the app businesses focus on the number of apps they have on the app stores rather than how much quality and value they are offering to their users. It makes their app business unsuccessful most of the time. People love the quality, and they always prefer to see apps with minimum flaws.

If you are representing your app something different from what it actually is, then it can be damaging for your app as well as your entire app business. You need to make sure that you have tested your app comprehensively and solving the problems of the users effectively.

If you have put minimum efforts while assuring the quality of your app, there are quite a few chances that your app will get even a thousand users. So, assuring the quality of your app is the very first step to make it viral and get ultimate user engagement.

2. Make Something Unique

Uniqueness is the key to having a wonderful app that will be admired greatly by the audience. People want change and innovation. If you just come up with an app just the same as the other apps on the app stores, you will not get the opportunity to make your app go viral.

Users will love to see new and innovative features within your app. Try to make some interesting features that grab the attention of your audience. Always think like a user and see things from their perspective.

Users get bored if your app is showing similar attributes to the other competitor apps. There could be various features that you can embed into your app; for example, in a messenger app, you can add a video calling feature if others are not doing it already.

3. Make Your App Shareable

This is one of the most crucial steps while making your app go viral. When you make it easy to share your app, its user engagement will surely get a boost. Users shares apps when they some interesting ones and think to reach it out to their close friends and family circle.

Try to answer these following questions:

  • Does your app offer something worth sharing?
  • What does your app have that is worth being shared?
  • Why will users want to share your app with others?
  • How will your users be rewarded when they share your app?
  • Will friends of your users will also find your app worth sharing?
  • How will your app motivate users to share it in the long run?

Like in the social media platforms, if a user likes a picture or something to share, there is always a share option to make this sharing process convenient. Your app should also be hosted on the app stores or platforms where it is easy to distribute and share your app. When it comes to how to make your app go viral, sharing capability is the primary thing to focus on.

4. Market Your App Effectively

App marketing plays a vital role in defining the fate of an app. If your app has reached the right audience at the right time, there is no way that it doesn’t become popular and successful. There is always room for improvement in your marketing efforts.

For example, if you have developed a game app that you want to make viral, you should surely target the youth who is interested more in mobile games. When you market your app effectively, your business will get a lot of benefits from it as well as your app’s reputation.


In a nutshell, apps go viral with a comprehensive plan, but it is not as difficult as it might seem. Your app can easily get what it deserves if you have focused on the quality of your app within the interests of your target audience.

So, are you ready to make your app go viral now? Try these ways, and you will get the results instantly. Follow our Facebook page to get instant updates. Make awesome apps through AppsGeyser’s free and robust templates now and tell us your experience by reaching out to us!