Mobile apps


4 Most Common Concerns About Making an Android App

Today I am following on from the post that I uploaded yesterday about the most common questions asked by our potential app makers.  I am going to focus on the most common concerns new app makers face when they decide to create their first Android app. 1. Competition Oh yeah, we all know a little competition is healthy, […]


4 reasons Why Users Uninstall Your Android App

In recent times, many mobile apps have started to annoy people more, either because of poor functions or because of poor user retention strategies. It is important for mobile app developers to realize that their apps should be adding convenience to people’s lives rather than irritating them, which would eventually cause them to uninstall the […]


What Is Android Excellence on Google Play

On a daily basis, app developers around the world are busting it out to create high quality Android apps and games. They strive to deliver amazing user experiences for the continuously growing diverse user base.  In fact, we’ve seen a significant increase in the way apps have been made on Google Play, quality wise. As […]
