Mobile apps


Customized Code – Give Me Feedback Code

Today we are moving on from the Rate my app code that we gave previously. The code we are giving you today will enable you to insert a link other than GooglePlay so that app users can rate your app elsewhere, such as on your website. As with all customized code, all you need to […]


Use MoPub to Monetize an AppsGeyser Android App

A lot of AppsGeyser users are really excited about the possibility of adding AdMob ads. Now we are happy to give you the second great possibility to monetize your apps. Meet MoPub by Twitter! MoPub provides monetization solutions for mobile publishers and app developers. Using MoPub you can drive maximum revenue for every ad impression. It’s […]


8 Super-Easy Ways to Immediately Improve Your ASO

What comes to your mind when you see the term “ASO“? Where do you focus all your energy when you’re trying to improve your app store search rankings? Most people I know focus a large proportion of their time on “keywords” and not much else. However, if you’ve been working diligently on keyword research but […]
