Mobile apps


How to make play store apps and earn money

A huge potential is present in the Android mobile app development services for application development and earning money. However, keep this thing in mind that not every application that is present on the Play Store earns money. According to statistics, there are almost 3 million applications present on Google Play. There is huge competition present […]

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The Ultimate Android App Making Guide – AppsGeyser

Android app making isn’t a simple task. From a comprehensive app idea to the final deliverable, there are a lot of steps involved in app making. Everything is taken under consideration before actually starting an app development process. If a proper plan is followed, there are no hurdles in having a successful app business. Since […]

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7 Ways to Write a Great Android Application Description

Android application description is one of the essential elements that the users see while going through the app store. If it’s a compelling and attractive one that fits the user needs, he/she will surely download and use it. Writing a compelling app description seems like a tiny task, but actually, it’s not. There is a […]

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How to Create RSS Android Application for Free Using AppsGeyser

Appsgeyser is a platform that is used for creating Android applications. Android devices are one of the most popular devices nowadays. By creating Android apps, as a developer, you can reach a broad audience in a minimum amount of time. By using your skills, you can create competitive applications that are in demand and you […]

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6 Reasons Why Google Play Rejects Android Applications

Google Play store is one of the leading platforms for the publication of Android applications all over the world. It is the number one choice of hundreds of developers across the globe for application publishing. Google Play store can be considered as the biggest repository of Android applications. According to some statistics, there are almost […]

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Why You Should Build Apps For Android And Not For iOs?

Currently, there are almost about five billion mobile users around the world. In light of this fact, you cannot ignore the importance of the mobile application market. For your business, you need to have an app. So are you thinking to build a mobile app? But at the same time you are feeling indecisive because […]

Posted by Martynov