How to Make A Wallpaper App for Android – Free Tutorial
Don’t worry because we won’t be scaring you with all the technical and programming stuff that is fundamental to create wallpaper app. Rather, we’ll show you the importance of a wallpaper app for your business and how you can optimize your app for maximum results.
But why wallpapers?
Well, on average, we look at our phones 80 times a day. Sometimes more. And what is the first thing we see? The wallpaper. Having a soothing wallpaper can calm your mind every time you open your lock screen. And by learning how to create a wallpaper app for Android, you can transfer the safe effects to your audience.
Also, providing added value to the existing and potential audience is a great way to build trust and credibility. They get the feeling that you are not actually after only their money. You need them to be happy.
What is a Wallpaper App?
There was a time when we had to search the internet for suitable wallpapers. Finding an image that we like was a challenge. Even if we find one, making it fit our screen resolution was an even bigger challenge.
Gone are those days. Now, there are numerous wallpaper apps on Google Play Store where you don’t have to spend hours finding a picture that you like. More importantly, you don’t have to worry about the resolution as most apps incorporate features to automatically adjust to your screen.
A wallpaper app is as simple as it gets in terms of functionality. You browse the app for your preferred image and select it as your wallpaper. That’s it. It can be a live image, a cartoon figure, a live wallpaper with moving effects, GIFs, etc. Whatever it is, your favorite wallpaper is just a few taps away.
How to Make a Wallpaper App for Android?
Usually, you go into Android Studio to make any kind of app. Android Studio is the official IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for crafting android apps. You need expertise in multiple programming languages to create an app in Android Studio.
But that’s not the case for AppsGeyser. Our platform is optimized for absolute beginners, and we don’t require any technical knowledge from you. We have templates lined up on our website that you can use to create an app you want. And that includes wallpaper app for Android.

To make wallpaper app, you have to follow a few simple steps at AppsGeyser creator studio.
- First, you have to choose the template for your app in the Create option. If you want it to be a collection of wallpapers from your Facebook gallery, all you have to do is copy and paste the link in the designated URL box.
- If you’re not using images from Facebook, you can select the upload images option to upload the images that you want for your wallpaper app.
- Once your images are uploaded, it’s time to fill in the gaps. Select a name for your app, write the description with proper keywords, and fill out all the necessary details. Remember, a keyword is the most important piece of the puzzle that will bring in more downloads.

- You’re done! The template will compile your images and other details and convert it into an app. All of the basic features are integrated into the template. The users will be able to choose any image from your gallery and use it as their wallpaper.
Well, it was the easy part. Making an app is very simple with AppsGeyser as most of the process is automated. Now, let’s get to the more interesting part – making the app stand out!
There are some things that you have to ensure from your end for the betterment of your app. You need to perform some extra steps that will make your app pop out among the thousands of wallpaper apps on the Play Store.
Add Positivity
One thing to remember is don’t put a price on your free wallpaper app. Wallpapers are mostly free unless it’s really high-quality content. So, charging your audience for something that they can get for free will not yield any benefit for you.
Keep it free. And the thought of getting something for free encourages positivity. Let your audience feel the positivity. Use high-resolution images that you feel good about. ‘Feeling good’ is the take away here.
By keeping it free, we don’t mean spend your valuable time and get nothing out of it. What we’re trying to say here is that you shouldn’t rely on wallpapers to make you money. If you’re a businessman, you can use a free wallpaper app as a token of appreciation to your audience for their support they have shown in our journey to building a business.
If you’re an individual to create live wallpaper Android app and your goal is to make money in the process, you can use banner ads to make money. We have a very handy guide on how banner ads work and how you can utilize the full potential of it.
Now, let’s look at some things that you can do to make wallpaper app even more popular among your audience. More popularity means more downloads. And more downloads translate to a higher ranking.
- Let Them Share: Keep the option open for your audience to add their creations. It’s a great way to interact with the audience and build trust through the process. You can even run contests to encourage people to upload images on your app.
- Get the Format Right: As we were saying before, getting the resolution right was a hassle back in the day. If your app still suffers from the same problem, no one will look twice at your app because there are better alternatives. So, make sure the sizes are correct and you are uploading the right formats.
- Keep it Simple: Make the entire downloading and uploading process as simple for your audience as possible. Minimize the number of steps. Ease of use will result in more engagement to create live wallpaper Android app.
- Find Your Niche: Rather than uploading random images to your wallpaper app, find your niche. If you have an existing business, you should have a good grasp on what your audience likes. Upload images that resonate with that. If you know multiple languages, use that to your benefit by localizing your app.
If you want to provide wallpapers for different groups of people, create a categorized list for people to easily navigate through the app.
- Match Your Brands Positioning: If you’re using the wallpaper app as a secondary medium for communicating with your audience, make sure that the images match your brand. Don’t go overboard to prove a point. Keep your brand’s persona intact.
Create Wallpaper App with AppsGeyser
AppsGeyser is the platform you go to when you need an app. You can create live wallpaper Android app with our state of the art templates. From website apps to photo editors, from messenger apps to games, everything is possible with AppsGeyser. So join us to learn how to make a wallpaper app for Android in just a few steps!