
Creating Apps: Different Groups of People Who Can Make an Android App

who can build an app

The amount of time spent on smartphones has doubled globally within the last few years, and the amount of app store installations has significantly increased. Android apps are used every day for a variety of reasons and by different people. Understanding the forms in which various generations utilize smartphones (and, more importantly, mobile apps) is fascinating.

It has become clear that different groups of people are creating and using apps for various reasons. With almost a million apps created using the AppsGeyser Android app platform, we can say that various demographics are making apps and using them every day for many purposes. Everyone uses hundreds of programs in their everyday lives. Creating an app is not always an uphill task, especially considering the type of app and its purpose. Today, we will look at what kind of people make Android apps and why they have chosen to create an Android app. We will also consider what app style is most appropriate for different apps out there.

Young Adults and Teenagers

This category is the age group that grew up with mobile phones as a huge part of their daily lives. In many developed countries, most teenage children have had their hands on a smartphone or mobile device such as a tablet, so it is quite common for this age group to want to play around and develop apps primarily to share with their friends for fun.

This modern day and tech-savvy generation is known as Generation Z, and they account for a huge proportion of those who can create apps. This community makes use of visual apps and many social media platforms, so it is not surprising to see that the most common type of apps that people from this age range create is the social URL link to an existing app, probably a Facebook link so that their network can gain access to their social dialogue without having to log in to their different social media accounts. All of this can be done by just clicking a button. Young people and teenagers have higher interaction rates on apps compared to the older generations.

As earlier mentioned, visual apps are another very popular group for this generation. We have found that many young people create apps to put together a group of photos from a particular event. They then turn this collage into a wallpaper app to allow themselves and their friends to save the images on their mobile device as wallpaper images from that event. They usually create these apps for the fun of it since they are less likely to be uploaded to GooglePlay or any other Android app market. The app link is shared by friends using the QR barcode and downloaded free of charge directly to their mobile devices. This group usually makes apps to share arts, culture, activities, passions, recreation, lifestyle, food and drink, and shopping and travel.

Small brands and start-ups

Small companies now realize that having a social and mobile presence is the way to market their business most effectively in the modern world. Mobile business apps have become a required marketing tool for all firms, even though many business owners believe it is too costly. Mobile apps may help small businesses connect with and grow their client base, drive revenue, and boost their brand credibility. An interface makes it simpler to market the goods or services, and it can allow business owners to contact their clients and communicate with them.

This group is looking to promote their companies further through app creation and are looking to do this on a very limited budget, meaning they do not plan to hire app developers to build an Android app for their businesses. We found that the first most common app template style is the URL website link that allows those making the apps to create an app from their current business website. Many small businesses make the common mistake before creating their app of not optimizing their mobile website, which is something we are working on with this group. Not optimizing the websites before creating the app could mean that vital parts of the website are not clearly shown on the app, and when viewed as a mobile app, some images could be lost. The AppsGeyser team is always happy to help advise you on how best to optimize a mobile website. Another popular form of a small business app is created with the HTML editor, which allows the business owner to create a one-page app or multiple pages if tabs are used, which only shows information released to the app.

What is also helpful with this style of app template is that, even when there is no internet connection, the business app is always available, giving access to their latest deals at all times. The app must be periodically updated, and the update is then submitted to GooglePlay by updating the APK in the developer account.

The Millennials

This group is the generation that is trying to make some cash by making apps. Millennials, commonly known as Generation Y, are the most varied generation in lifestyle preferences and desires. They became the first group to render the use of smartphones as a mainstream phenomenon. Social networking tops the list of apps they create, accompanied by music, sports, and collaboration apps. More than half of the people in this group devote a significant proportion of their day to using a mobile device or mobile screen.

In general, our millennials are the group that creates apps for pre-professional reasons, and it involves those who want to make money from app making and learn technical tricks with AppsGeyser by creating apps. Most of this group will begin with creating simple apps, such as converting the URL to the app, then they progress to advanced editing techniques. This category is the main group that, as they build their apps, will create apps solely through zip archives and their coding, making mistakes, and learning from these errors. As we like to call them, the 30 somethings are also the main group that seeks to monetize their apps to the full advantage, which means not only ensuring that they have signed up for banner ad revenue for Admob, but they will also build networks to create personal ads, internal sales, pay-to-call links, and so on.

End Note

Summarily, everyone uses apps for one reason or the other, and they are making their apps using the easiest means possible. They are also making money and building their network while making these apps. If you need an android app to connect with your network or promote your business and make some more money, create an app with AppsGeyser today.