App Promotion: How to Advertise Your Free Android App?

Android app marketing strategy deals with ways you can let the world know about your android application. There many ways you can attract the right audience to your app. You wouldn’t want to create an application that has a good designs layout that would not attract users – and chose to do nothing in promoting your application out there. You must be aware of the fact that you are creating an app for a particular audience not everyone. For example, you are creating an android app that does makeup, you should be expecting your audience to be young female ladies, and you must be aware of how the market is for such kind of application. You need to validate your ideas and make thorough research before venturing into app creation. To promote android app, it involves narrowing down your application down to a specific audience, do not try to reach everyone.
You should be aware of your similar competitors; people who are having similar application and controlling similar audience as you intend to venture into the same space, this will allow you know how to dignify your application, while you render a better service to your audience than your competitors (Recognizing the loopholes). You should make a complete analysis of your ideas, and be sure that people really want an application like the one you are envisaging. How to advertise an app also depends on the kind of application and who you want to see your content, you can’t be building an app for children between the age of 2-10 and you take your advertisement to a porn website or web that sells guns or security gadgets. No, it won’t work because your audience are not in that space.
An attractive layout design and relevant widgets that would attract every creative mind out there is required during your app promoting. You might also have the best designs and layout and still finds out that your application gained low users and it can be very tiring after investing your creative mind in the layout design and the app creation. This exactly where you need to promote your android app by advertising your application. For example, imagine a hypothetical fashion store that designs and sews new wears opening up in a neighborhood and refuses to place any placard outside that indicates their activities or run any online advertisement that calls buyers to patronize their store. It is logical for us to assume that the store wouldn’t get enough customers to patronize their store, because they have refused doing their marketing strategy very well.
Moreover, it is not all about getting to do a large ground-opening service, or pasting big porters all over the city, but rather, it is you getting in touch with the right audience at the right time of your advertisement. This is what one should adopt when trying to promote android app or your mobile app promotion. Here are some germane questions you should provide an answer to before putting your app out there to attract more audience.
- Are people interested in the app I am bringing to the table?
- How many people download this application?
- What can I do to make a difference?
- What are the drawbacks in this market?
- What are app critics saying, the reviews and feedbacks?
- What promotion method does the existing app adopted?
- What are the things you would like to adapt from this mobile applications you’ve seen so far?
- How many apps are already existing?
You would need to provide answers to those questions in other to beat your existing competitors, also, this would allow you know if there is any space for your application.
Promoting Your Android App Online
There are methods you can use to promote your content, effectively. With these methods of mobile app promotion, you will reach a larger audience.
- Reach Out
Before putting your application out there you should first reach out to your customers and conduct a random sampling getting their opinion concerning your intention of creating your own mobile app and asking about how they feel. It is not when you have created an application that you would now start asking your customers to get your application, start your work, even before contacting your developers. You can create a newsletter, notifying your users concerning your intention of creating your own mobile application, through emails.
You should have it mind that your customers are the backbone of your any kind of business you are running, the application you are creating is for them not for yourself, so it is of utmost necessity you keep them involved through the process. customer retention will increase your business profitability when you use the best marketing strategy.
- Website/Blog
It is pertinent you create a website that displays what your business offers its users, a simple but detailed website will allow you reach your users. With the advancement of technology, if a user hears of any company name that sells a particular product, the first thing the person would do is search them online to see how things works.
You should engage users on your blog, post things related to what you are selling, update and let them know that you are there for them if they ever need your assistance concerning a product. Through this method you can promote your application on your website and in your blog at the same time. Users who are familiar with your website will get the app advertisement if they open your web; notifying them that you are now on a mobile app. Doing this will get your existing users to interact more with your application.
Also make an appearance on other websites, blogs and social spaces; let people recognize your existence, run app advertising on other websites to engage for users. This will increase your user’s retention and enlarge our reach.
- Free Promotion
You can run free promotion by partnering with other apps that complement your own application and do a cross-promotion, this would allow them feature your app in their newsletter and you will do likewise for their own application while the both of you stand to benefit from the cross-promotion service. free and easy.
- YouTube Video/ Demo video
People finds it more interesting when watching a short video advertising your application on your YouTube channel or on your website or anywhere across the web. Do this on all your social media channels.
- Meet Influencers
It is of utmost necessity that you connect with top influencers in other to get more people to use your application. Different influencers will use different app to let your app gain more users and reach those interested in your business.
- App Optimization for app store
The easiest way and most common method to let your app reach out to users is by optimizing your application for app store. There are some steps you should consider when using this method: you must come up with the right and most perfect name for your application, write a short and well detailed app description that would capture your reader’s mind, use keywords that captures the relevancy of your application, make short videos and screenshot of your application, showing intended users how it works.
- Reviews And Feedback
In every service you are rendering, it important you seek for your customers’ review, this would allow you know those areas you need to improve and develop. Reply reviews and give solution to every problems that are noted by your users.
- Join industry forums
This is another way to share your industry knowledge and build up trust and loyalty in your brand.
- Press releases
These are not just for the rich and famous, or those that are acquitted from jail sentences. Press releases will highlight what is happening personally within your business, including new products, services and so forth.
Adverise Your Android App Offline
- Self branding
Why do you think uniforms exist? It is a part of brand recognition. Time to be proud of who you are, and wear your brand.
- Free consultations
It may seem annoying to waste your time on someone that just won’t invest in your business. The truth is that you never know who you will be able turn around. That one non-threatening meeting could be the turning point.
- Marketing materials
Are you utilizing all the space on your printed goods? Have you made sure that you have your URL links, social links and QR code on them?
- Business cards
Always have business cards available. You never know when you will meet someone who could be interested in your services.
- Free events
Getting out and about is the best way to meet new people and network. There are many weekly networking meetings, local groups, and national conferences that may help you meet the right people.
- Help out
That is right, go and volunteer. Any time you can give will be appreciated, and by sharing your knowledge you are building a rapport with potential clients.
- Speak out
There are many conference that are looking for speakers. Some will pay for your time, and others won’t. Remember, you being in the public eye is all great PR.
- Your office
When people come to your business grounds, do you have all your details on show? Can they clearly see your web address? Your app QR code? Your social profiles? While they are waiting to see you is the time that they may take to input your information into their personal devices.
- Cold call
I have left this to last as it is the worst marketing technique of all that almost everyone dreads doing. However, cold calling does bring in sales and should not be ignored, but be mindful of potential TCPA violations.
How to advertise your application is not only on the ways we have organized in the body of this article; you might come up with your own idea and beat other competitors with your own strategy. Do well, to explore any strategy you think can make your app get more users.