Top Free Android App Templates by AppsGeyser

Developing Android apps in the modern age comes with a lot of perks as well as challenges. From app designing to launch, there are a lot of phases through which you have to pass your app development process.
How easy will it be to develop an app when most of these phases get automatically done? It will definitely make your app making speed faster as well as the overall business growth.
Here comes the importance of app templates, which play a groundbreaking role in the app business success. Let’s have a look at the importance of these app templates.
How Can Free Android App Templates Make a Difference?
When the word “template” is used, we might think of some boring pre-defined settings for an app with some blank screens. Luckily, that is not the case with the AppsGeyser.
AppsGeyser provides pre-tested templates with all the quality standards. The latest technological innovations are adopted in all of these templates, and most surprisingly, all of them are free.
It’s not just about the app development speed that gets a boost by the use of templates, but the quality of your apps will also be high. The reason behind it is the checks that are applied to every template.
You just have to customize them a bit, and the hard work is automatically done by the template providing servers. Your task is just putting the right information in the right places.
While your competitors will be spending a lot of time on the design, you will be focusing on the post-launch marketing of your app. The quality perspectives remain the same, and you will definitely make a good move due to them.
What are the Top Free Android App Templates?
AppsGeyser always strives to provide you the best services, and these robust templates are proof of its competence. The following are the top free Android app templates which you should try out to gain app business success in the shortest time possible.
There are two types of apps that you can make through the AppsGeyser’s app templates. These types are as follows:
- Business apps
- Individual apps
We are going to mention each one for you to have more exposure to what actually you can make through these awesome templates. Let’s start out with the business templates first.
- Business Website
Now you can turn your website into an awesome app by following this link. Your business website will have more potential of getting an audience by having an app the same as your website.
- YouTube Channel App
If you have a YouTube channel, you can get an amazing advantage by introducing your channel app in the market. Just click on the link to get started.
- Facebook Page
It becomes a great opportunity to publish an app on your Facebook page. Explore the link to increase your user base and make your app journey successful.
- Web Page
Surprisingly, you can start out the app making process by developing an app of a web page through simple text or HTML code. Click on the link to get started.
- HTML Code
If you know the programming languages well and want to develop an app by just implementing the HTML code, here is the perfect place to do so. Explore the link to start making your HTML based app.
- RSS Feeds
Make an RSS Feeds app within 3 minutes by using this free and robust template. Click on the link to start the process now.
- PDF Tab
Convert PDF files to a mobile app by simply using this template. Collect all your favorite books or make a fiction series by following this link. Attract your audience by specifying a niche and working on the specific audience reach.
Let’s head out to the apps in the individual category. In this category, you will see a lot of stuff despite the business-specific apps.
- Website
Do you have a website and want to convert it to an entirely new mobile phone app? The website app template is a free Android app template provided by the experts of AppsGeyser. Follow the link to start making your awesome website app now.
- App for TikTok
Being the leading smartphone app, TikTok has a great user-base all around the world. Start making an app consisting of your favorite TikTok accounts and publish it on the Play Store to start making revenue. Click on the link to get started now.
- App for Likee
Likee is an app somehow similar to TikTok and trending for its features. Now you can magically make an app consisting of Likee URLs to grab the audience’s attention towards your app business. Click on the link to start things out.
- Free Video Calls and Chat
Make a WhatsApp like the app and start getting versatile app users from all around the world. Follow the link to start innovating your app business.
- Quiz
If you want to make an educational app, the Quiz app would be the best option as it helps in preparing the tests as well as real-time testing. Get started with the Quiz app by following the link.
- Guide
Turn instructions into a handbook by the Guide app and get your audience from the industry. Guides will help you make a lot of How-To guidelines as well as other stuff. Just follow the link.
- Photo Keyboard
Make a custom keyboard with your favorite images and get the ultimate audience’s attention. Specify the app with some particular pictures and launch your photo keyboard app now. Click on the link to get started.
- Wallpaper
Create a wallpaper collection for Android and engage your audience in your app business. Follow the link to start creating an awesome wallpaper app within minutes.
- Book Reader
It’s the era of e-Books, and you have the perfect opportunity to make a book reading app by using this easy-to-use template. Just go to the link and follow the instructions.
- Case Simulator
Entertain your app users by providing them cases with different game-related items. Get started now by following the link and engage your audience like never before.
- Messenger
Make your own messenger app by putting all the innovative stuff. Let’s make a new messenger beat the industry giants. Click on the link to get started.
- Browser
Make a browser app with tabs and VPN compatibility. The brand new browser will increase your user-base as well as the overall revenue of your app business. Follow the link to make your browser app now.
- Media Player
Creating a media player app is a great way to engage the audience in your app business as they will be using your app while watching any video stuff. Click on the link to create yours now.
- Photo Editor
It is the era of digital photo editing, and there is a lot of opportunities to get users when you make a photo editor app with special effects. Start creating one by following the link.
- Mobile TV
People are now more advanced and prefer to watch their favorite TV channels on the comfort of their mobile phones. Make a TV app by following the link and provide them the awesome service.
- Find the Pair
Train the memory with find the pair game. It has the great potential to be your user’s favorite as it adds the fun stuff into their lives. Click this link to start creating yours.
- Web App
Convert Zipped web content into an app within minutes by using this robust template now.
- 2048 Game
Make a 2048 game app by following our easy-to-use template. The game will surely catch the audience’s attention. Click on the link to get started.
- Coloring
Coloring apps prove to be eye-catching for the younger audience. Upload some images and let your users color them. Follow the link and start making your app.
- Music
Create an awesome music app by uploading some favorite tracks of the users. Click on the link to start creating.
- Magic Ball
Insert your predictions into the magic ball and see the magic. Click on the link to get started.
- Spin the bottle
Spin the bottle and let your users wonder how they can get an amazing game like this. Follow through the link to start the creation process.
- Tap the Cookie
Create a Tap the Cookie game and let your users engage in your app business. Click on the link.
- 15 Game
Make a 15 puzzle game for kids and let them enjoy while giving your kudos. Follow the link to get started.
- Fishing
Making a fishing game has not been that much easier. Create an awesome fishing game by following the link.
- Slot Machine
Do you love gambling? Slot Machine app gives your audience a touch of gambling and proves to be a great simulator. Follow the link to start your app, making the journey.
- Matching Puzzle
Matching puzzle games proves to be a great addition to your puzzle game collection. Just click on the lin
- Word Search
An amazing educational word search puzzle that you can publish on the Play store and get a lot of user-interaction. Click on the link to start developing your app within minutes.
Surprisingly, there are a lot of free Android app templates, and all of them are pre-tested as well as quality-assured. AppsGeyser has assured the functionality of all the worthy features, so you don’t have to worry about any bugs.
Make wonderful apps through AppsGeyser and earn the ultimate revenue now.